February/ March Shift Times

Click here to book in for shifts or to receive the recordings.


Wednesday 12th 8:32pm

Thursday 27th - 9:52 pm


Thursday 6th. 3:02pm

Sunday 9th 11:46am

Tuesday 11th 10:03'

Saturday 15th 9:48am

20th 6.27pm

21st 7:23am

22nd 12:43pm

23rd 9:03pm

26th 8:32am

28th 10:46pm

30th 2:09pm

Tuesday night meditations will also be used by the V.U guardians to support us through the power increase of March- August - These sessions are going to be journeys to support us in preparing our body and soul cells to be capable of receiving the energy increase that is coming at the end of March/ early April. See Blog


December ‘24 ~ Future Shift Times