Shifts in the Human Consciousness.
Since March 2023, Arniya has been leading people through the Shifts in consciousness that humanity has been experiencing in the ascension journey.
While they often sound like a meditation, they are really Arniya explaining the ‘Shift’ as she goes through it herself. If the Shift is to improve your vision, her guidance will support you to be open to receiving that change and to direct the energy so you get the most benefit from the Shift.
Everyone on the planet will receive the ‘shifts’ in consciousness. Doing the Shifts consciously not only allows you to get more from them, it also helps you to integrate the change in a shorter time. Most of society is still processing shifts that happened over a year ago. The backlog of processing these changes is causing most of the planet to be experiencing “Ascension Fatigue”. This is purely because they never have a break from processing. If they did the ‘shifts’ consciously, there would be gaps between the shifts where no processing was required and they could rest.
Shifts are better done Live over the live Zoom. When you do them on Zoom, Arniya is able to scan your energy and will often give energy support to those who need it. This also allows her to see if people need more guidance. The energy is also easier to integrate if you do the Shift at the time it arrives.
If you can’t do a Shift at the Live time, you can listen to the recording and visualise yourself going back to the time of the Shift and receiving it Live. On the website, there are lots of packages to listen to of past Shifts so you can catch up on the ones you missed.
Each month has a different number of Shifts, so you will notice that the cost for each month is different.
For those who book in for the full month, with recordings, there is an additional optional extra of joining a “Whats App” group, just for those who have booked in for these Shifts. This will be to share the links and reminders of Shift times. We also use this to check how you are after the bigger Shifts.
Since March 2023, Arniya has been leading people through the Shifts in consciousness that humanity has been experiencing in the ascension journey.
While they often sound like a meditation, they are really Arniya explaining the ‘Shift’ as she goes through it herself. If the Shift is to improve your vision, her guidance will support you to be open to receiving that change and to direct the energy so you get the most benefit from the Shift.
Everyone on the planet will receive the ‘shifts’ in consciousness. Doing the Shifts consciously not only allows you to get more from them, it also helps you to integrate the change in a shorter time. Most of society is still processing shifts that happened over a year ago. The backlog of processing these changes is causing most of the planet to be experiencing “Ascension Fatigue”. This is purely because they never have a break from processing. If they did the ‘shifts’ consciously, there would be gaps between the shifts where no processing was required and they could rest.
Shifts are better done Live over the live Zoom. When you do them on Zoom, Arniya is able to scan your energy and will often give energy support to those who need it. This also allows her to see if people need more guidance. The energy is also easier to integrate if you do the Shift at the time it arrives.
If you can’t do a Shift at the Live time, you can listen to the recording and visualise yourself going back to the time of the Shift and receiving it Live. On the website, there are lots of packages to listen to of past Shifts so you can catch up on the ones you missed.
Each month has a different number of Shifts, so you will notice that the cost for each month is different.
For those who book in for the full month, with recordings, there is an additional optional extra of joining a “Whats App” group, just for those who have booked in for these Shifts. This will be to share the links and reminders of Shift times. We also use this to check how you are after the bigger Shifts.
Since March 2023, Arniya has been leading people through the Shifts in consciousness that humanity has been experiencing in the ascension journey.
While they often sound like a meditation, they are really Arniya explaining the ‘Shift’ as she goes through it herself. If the Shift is to improve your vision, her guidance will support you to be open to receiving that change and to direct the energy so you get the most benefit from the Shift.
Everyone on the planet will receive the ‘shifts’ in consciousness. Doing the Shifts consciously not only allows you to get more from them, it also helps you to integrate the change in a shorter time. Most of society is still processing shifts that happened over a year ago. The backlog of processing these changes is causing most of the planet to be experiencing “Ascension Fatigue”. This is purely because they never have a break from processing. If they did the ‘shifts’ consciously, there would be gaps between the shifts where no processing was required and they could rest.
Shifts are better done Live over the live Zoom. When you do them on Zoom, Arniya is able to scan your energy and will often give energy support to those who need it. This also allows her to see if people need more guidance. The energy is also easier to integrate if you do the Shift at the time it arrives.
If you can’t do a Shift at the Live time, you can listen to the recording and visualise yourself going back to the time of the Shift and receiving it Live. On the website, there are lots of packages to listen to of past Shifts so you can catch up on the ones you missed.
Each month has a different number of Shifts, so you will notice that the cost for each month is different.
For those who book in for the full month, with recordings, there is an additional optional extra of joining a “Whats App” group, just for those who have booked in for these Shifts. This will be to share the links and reminders of Shift times. We also use this to check how you are after the bigger Shifts.