Katie Te Ani
AUM Massage and the Alchemy of Water
Katie is my housemate. She offers beautiful massages that will leave you totally blissed out.
Her divine AUM (Ayurvedic Unison Massage ) energy massage takes you into a state of bliss and relaxation beyond this world. (The Ayurvedic technique is gentle acu-pressure for the Head, Face, Hands, Feet and Body). Using Reiki healing and Aura Soma to support your experience, she intuitively designs a crystal grid under the massage table to support the healing process. Colloidals and Crystal oils can be charged and bottled into a healing spray to take with you.
Breathing Awareness and Movement Meditation are additional tools to bring you into Presence, your feeling body and out of the monkey Mind. Awareness begins with conscious breathing and the vibration of sacred music and flowing body movement helps this go deeper.
She calls our Bell Tent the SSHHH HUB, the Sacred Self Healing Heart Harmony Hub, its vibrational energy grows with each healing session. As you enter, you feel your heart open to the harmonious balance within your core. From here, your own self-healing can take place. True, lasting healing and happiness only happens once we access our own deep self-love.
The AUM Experience in the words of others: My experience with Katie was magical- from the beginning I felt relaxed and transported to another place- the level of presence and skill offered let me drop deep into my body. It was transformational- I felt I came in one person and left different. Felt so nourished and rejuvenated- Highly recommend! - Manu Ahi - Eden Festival Facilitator
“This is what relaxation feels like were my first words upon ‘rising’…. my session made me realise I’ve never been or ever felt truly relaxed before.” Kamal: Dancer
To read more Testimonials, Click Here:
Katie on Water Alchemy ~
Readings: Images of Consciousness in Ice.
I was privileged to study ‘Water crystallography’ with the NZ water researcher Veda Austin, (Vedaaustin.com), and learned her technique of connecting to the consciousness of Water through ‘crystallographic frozen images’. (Scroll down below for more examples of my Water Freeze Pictures & their meaning)
The intelligence and information Water holds is profound, as she is pure Consciousness. A petri dish with a small amount of water is placed in the freezer. When the water is partially frozen, I tip the excess water away and photograph the patterns and images created in the ice. (I encourage anyone to learn this technique on Veda’s website.) Over time, a relationship develops with Water and she reveals more to you. One must be totally present, clear, balanced and not in the Mind, as she feels all your emotions and translates them into the freeze. We ourselves are Water after all.
Connecting with her wisdom is my daily spiritual practice, I consider her one of my Guides and I have been freezing daily for two years now, including my dreams. Water shares a snapshot of each moment in time and reflects the influence one shares with her; This can be as simple as a picture, music or song, a written word or name, meditation, your intention or thoughts. She will always reflect the truth of your emotions. You can ask Water to show you what Love means and if you are feeling sad inside, she will show you this. Water never lies and often reveals a truth your Soul most needs to hear. The pictures can be of breathtaking beauty, other times, a reflection of energy moving in or where it may be blocked. A Guide may appear, an ancestor, or a past life memory. One has to leave expectations and judgement behind. The images from each dish are totally unique and will reflect your state of Consciousness at that moment, often with a message. I’ve even received prophetic messages which I later find out are true.
I am now offering readings to share the immense wisdom Water has to share with you. This can be done in a number of ways, both in person, online or post, or by me connecting with your energy through your name or photo. If you are with me having a session, I may ask you to hold a glass of water after sipping while connecting to your heart. I place Water under the table during a healing session. I can connect with you through Water you have sat with, then sent to me by post, or by putting your name underneath the dish and connecting with your energy this way. These are the reading options;
A W E Drop ~ Aum Water Experience, One Freeze, $35,
This reading is ONE FREEZE, I send you 6 or more freeze pictures, which show the clearest images, I share my interpretation of these in an audio reading. Each picture is clearly identified, and marked so you can easily understand their meaning, and begin to learn how to read the water yourself.
A W E WATERFALL ~ Aum Water Embrace,
The Undine Council of 14 Water Tribes Share Their Wisdom. ~ 3 Freezes. $75
This is a more in-depth reading, with the Council of the 14 Water Tribes of the Undines, who are the Water Elementals.
This is a new process which was channeled through with Arniya and came directly from the Queen of the Undines. It involves your name being chanted and toned 3 times into a quartz crystal dish with Crystals representing the Undines Water Tribes Council and the message is from them, what they feel your Soul needs to evolve, for your emotional, physical and spiritual well being. Click here for more information on how this process came about, who the Council of the Undines Water Tribes are and the unique reading process. With this option, you receive 3 Freezes, with pictures from each, my understanding of the Council’s messages in an audio reading of each freeze. This reading can be done without you being here and emailed, over Zoom if you wish to be more involved in the process, or done with Water you have connected with during a session or even droppped off or sent to me.
Head, Shoulders, Face, Hands and Feets Ayurvedic Acupressure Relaxation Massage with Reiki Healing.
90 mins. The above Healing session can include a Water Reading and Healing Spray for additional support.
HEALING SPRAYS; Colloidals, Aura Somas and Crystal Oils are charged in quartz crystal vials which grid the massage table, bottled after for you. This spray then holds the essence of your healing to take with you and can top up your energy daily. Small $25, Large $50
Breathing Awareness A Spiritual Practice; One Hour, An introduction to the Art of Breathing Awareness as a daily Spiritual practice to take you out of the Monkey Mind, bring you into your heart, including Pranayama and Breathing the Dance. 60 mins.
Movement Meditation One-on-One; These are hour-long Movement meditations done to Sacred music, with Breathing Awareness Guidance, in total the session is 90 mins. Nadabrama ~ a humming, sittting meditation. Kundalini - a moving, dancing meditation.
Water Crystallography Readings; AWE Drop $35 & AWE Waterfall $75; as explained above.
All Sessions are $120 for 90mins; $85 for an Hour;
For an appointment or to chat about any of the options, feel free to call me on 022 042 86 76;
Email: aumassagekt@gmail.com or you can book here under Consultations.
A W E ~ AUM WATER EMBRACE -SCROLL Down to Dive into the Water Freeze Ice Pictures
The Water Tribes Altar with quartz crystal dish at the centre. Each crystal around the dish represents one of the 14 Water Tribes and is programmed to connect with them to receive their wisdom.

Katie’s Water Freezes
My Bath Water after an emotional release & healing Oneo CH meditation.
My freeze from the water next to my bed shows the tree of life from my Dream
After Arniya guided us to visit her VU (Venus University) in my Dreamtime.
From C.H session called SiIent and Deeply, a silent meditation where I sank into the depths of nothingness.
Rain water collected in a Rose Quartz bowl
Oneo CH Mediation; intention ... Pure Joy.
A Prophetic Dream freeze: "I dreamed of a flood around my ankles prior to a trip to Samoa - turns out our beach huts were washed away in floods, my dream freeze showed this days before I knew anything."
Arniya's energetic shift, where our Sacral Chakras received the new energy
A Water Being messenger, from Arniya's energetic shift when we brought in the Water Elementals as they rose in Consciousness.
Arniya's student after a new Reiki Attunement.
From the Water Elementals Energetic Shift, as the Water Beings, the Undines integrated the new consciousness.
Arniya's Energetic Shift: Connecting with Gaia - the laughter we shared with Mother Earth as we felt the Joy of the new energy.
Faces of Guardians and Ancestors often appear, these ones are from my Dream,.
A Oneo CH meditation called Buddhas Cave where we imagined our already manifested joy-filled future.
This clear, beautiful portrait of me emerged in the melting stage, from a Oneo CH meditation, as if hiding in the depths, behind the beauty.
The eye of a Dragon over a watery expanse. Dragons often appear, a sign of connection to their world. From a Oneo CH meditation witnessing our Mind.
Arniya led a Land Clearing of Aotearoa, lifting dark energy away from ley lines.
From A ONEO Meditation where we felt and manifested Joy.