Video links for past classes other sharings.

Recordings of Shifts in Humanity's Consciousness.

I hope you enjoy the videos on this page. Some of them are interviews I have done or classes I have taught. Most are raw recordings of me channelling guidance, through the shifts in human consciousness as the shift comes onto the planet. Often they are completely unedited and were only intended for those who attended, to re-listen to them. Now I realise that more people would benefit from them. After holding space for over 300 human consciousness shifts in the last year, I have made peace with the fact that I may never get time to edit them all. Please excuse the roughness of the recordings. I feel it is more important to share them, than worry about it.

Here are the links for the “shifts in human consciousness” journeys that I started to lead in March of 2023. Not all of the recordings are here, but I am trying to find time to load the rest, so please check back from time to time. I am adding the latest recordings at the top of the list. The old recordings, I will add into the list in order of date.
Before you listen to a recording- You will get more benefit from the recording- if you see yourself going back through your life. Travel back down the time track to the time when the recording happened. Receive the energy when it first arrives.

Please click on the date for the recorded shift.

With the body’s energy, we have 3 layers or planes of consciousness. The first one inside the body is the sub-physical- looks after aspects of the physical health and experience. The Middle one is our soul’s core beauty. Between these, is an energy field called the Microcosm. The Microcosm can become polluted. Every time we have a drama and go within ourselves or shut down, we create pollution there. If we turn off to the outside world, ie if we are institutionalised or housebound. Or if you get stuck in a moment of genius and are unable to focus on anything else. All of these things corrupt the microcosm energy field. This meditation is to help you clear that. For more information go to

Online panels with Arniya