Venus’s University Dream Program
Welcome to the Venus University Dream Program. The V.U.D.P is a unique, new way of receiving healing and Soul support and potentially training while you sleep or meditate.
When you join the V.U.D.P, you receive a video clip, teaching you how to access a wealth of opportunities the V.U has to offer. The goal is always to help you to move forward and grow in your Soul’s journey.
So how did the V.U. begin and what exactly is the Venus University?
The V.U all started years ago with the Godess Venus suggesting I compile all of the books, tools and Guardians from my hundreds of thousands of other lifetimes, into one space for easy access. Then she created an energy protocol within the V.U to stop anyone from removing anything or from trying techniques that were “above their Soul paygrade”.
People who are not officially connected to me and my work in the V.U are able to access the space, if they are in total integrity. However, they are placed in a bubble that stops them from touching or interacting with the V.U’s energy. This system keeps the V.U’s energy clear for the rest of us to fully embrace.
It is extremely difficult to describe the V.U in writing. For this reason, Katie Te Ani interviewed me about it in a video above.
Once you are part of the V.U program, you have your own unique office within the V.U. You can enter the V.U whenever you choose to, through dream work or through meditation. In the V.U, you will have instant access to sacred books, tombs of ancient wisdom and healing tools from across the multiverse and dimensional realities. The V.U Teachers - many of whom are Ascended Masters, can help you to embody ancient teachings and integrate this wisdom within a framework that works in the current energy experience.
There are tools for self-healing and tools which teach you how to heal others. There are tools to develop your intuitive skills and life-purpose gifts. There is support to help you manifest or expand your consciousness.
Whats included in the
V.U Package
Instructional Video on how to access the V.U
Additional videos of different spaces you can go to in the V.U
Your personal V.U office where you can request personal healing or training
Weekly Live V.U Meditation Journeys over zoom. Recordings will also be available
(During June and July, the program will include 1 shift a week, instead of a V.U journey)Nightly Program of Dream Support.
You can access the V.U in your dream time or Meditation
Often referred to as “The V.U”, this is a space on the soul plane where we can now receive a high level of love, healing, learning and support. There are amazing libraries and healing tools to be explored. Thousands of ascended beings now live and study there. They will support my students and clients by continuing the work I do with them in the physical.
The first question most people ask me is “How did the V.U start?”
The answer to this depends on where you think the beginning is. Around 2015 I was seeing my maximum number of clients and teaching classes at night. after class finished, often after 1030pm, I would then often be called to go outside and do healings and give council to the “Unseen Kingdom”. The Unseen Kingdom is a term that incorporates all the beings that humans don’t normally see. The fae, the dragons, the elementals, unicorns, all those good folk. Then when I did sleep, I was often doing dream work with my advanced students. Meeting them on the dreamscape and exploring the healing aspects that we couldn’t do in the waking form.
The unseens started to notice that I was getting run down and overwhelmed. We talked about where I could cut back and realised everything was needed and to slow down would let too many people down. Their solution was to petition the goddess. They asked her to help and give me some support.
In the end, it was Venus who came back with a wonderful solution.
She pointed out that I could use my “soul pockets”. This hadn’t ever occurred to me. These pockets of energy on the soul plane had always been private. I had started to make these pockets, many many lifetimes ago, when I first learnt the skill of “conscious incarnation.” This technique allows you to hold the memory of life in your conscious mind when you reincarnate. This is how I have a conscious memory of all of my past lives. However, what I soon discovered was that often having the memory wasn’t enough. It was one thing to remember how to heal something for someone, but if all the tools you needed for the job were left in the past, the knowledge was often worthless.
I then started to create pockets of energy on the soul plane to hold all my tools, books and a list of all the guides, guardians, and ascended beings who I had worked with. This allowed me to work with clients on Soul plane, using my old tools and support team. When video calls started being used in 2005, I used this method of healings to support clients all over the world.
In 2015, when Venus offered to bring all of my past life pockets into one energy I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the support. I had been really struggling to keep all the aspects of my soul work flowing. Allowing her to form all of my soul pockets into a university and recruit all of my old guardians and guides to come and become the V.U staff, was an incredible gift. She then became our patron and continues to support the work in the higher levels. Over the last 8 years, more and more ascended souls have come to work, play, love and serve in the V.U. Each offers a unique skill bass. Often donating books or soul tools to the library that we can utilise.
from 2015 to 2019 I offered a nightly “V.U program”. The program would tell students what was on offer in the V.U that night and how they could prepare for it. They could then choose to ask to go to the V.U in the dreaming time, or not. If someone is studying with me in any of the personal power coaching programs or on Patreon, they have a V.U. office assigned to them. They can set the intention to go to their office in their dreaming or in meditation. They can ask for a personal power symbol that will lead them to their office for as long as they are working with me. During my time with a regular V.U program, I had questioned if it was a real place or a placebo of me talking about it. This changed when I heard two of my students discussing the design on the floor in one specific hallway. I had never described the floor tiles before. I had seen the design that they were talking about but never talked about it to anyone else. This confirmed to me that the V.U. is a real place. It exists on a higher soul plane. Since the earth shifts increased in strength and regularity in March 2023, the V.U guardians have supported us on this plane too. For this, I am incredibly grateful. In the last 2 months, the left half of the main building has been unaccessible to most. There is a veil across the hallways. Everyone has been given an office on the right-hand side of the building and one on the left-hand side, through the veil. I am told that the left-hand side of the building has lifted its energy beyond our current vibration and will be accessible when we have lifted our vibration to meet it.