Quote Source Billy McGrath
“Goodness gracious,
Arniya Heartford is offering the most extraordinary process of tuning into the exponential rise in consciousness we are experiencing on our mother earth.
I've been meditating for over 30 years and was seemingly on my own tuning in to the new energies being presented to us.
Linking in with the zoom community Arniya has been guiding for over a year has lifted my daily awareness and potentiality through the roof and the cosmos.
My present moment awareness has increased and I feel part of a magnificent wave of love rising as one, helping to anchor this shift of the ages.
My heart-felt gratitude and appreciation is felt and I feel honoured and excited to continue tapping into the divine wisdom and incredible abilities of Arniya Heartford, to observe the energies coming through and offering us the most optimal frequency in order to fully absorb the oscillations of consciousness raining down on us.
In gratitude and respect, ”
Quote Source
“Review: my beautiful dog passed 2 days ago and I am heartbroken. Arniya shifts have been the one thing that have helped me remember we are more than our bodies, that we are here at this time for a purpose, that we are all one and love is unending. I highly recommend them to all. Thank you so much Arniya for all the time and energy you put into the shifts, I love you gentle manner and beautiful voice.