The energy that is coming in March/April- Time to prepare!

Scanning ahead in the energy of 2025, I noticed a very peculiar change in the energy towards the middle of the year. …. So of course I poked at it because I love a puzzle. I went to the V.U. and asked the Guardians there and I asked the Guardians of the ascension too. This is what they told me:

Guardians; - “It is time to widen the gap between those who want to walk the old earth road and those who want to walk the ascension pathway. It’s a bit like stretching a rubber band until it snaps into two pieces. The new energy is making a claim- ‘my people will hold x amount of energy’ - X just happens to be 100 times more energy than what humans currently hold- At the end of March, every cell on earth, that is meant to lift, will start to increase the amount of energy that cell can hold. By the end of April 2025, your soul and body cells, will be capable of holding 20 times more energy than they can now. By August 8th, you may be up to 70 to 80 times more energy in every cell.”

My response was - “well that sounds amazing, unpleasant, fantastic and like bloody hard work, all at the same time. How can we make it easier and get the most from this?”

Guardians - “Bloody is still a swear word, mind your tongue”

Me - “Good grief”

Guardians - “ There are a few things you need to understand- Firstly this energy increase will increase. anything you are holding onto as well and bringing in more Divine energy. So, if you are holding - fear, anger, jealousy, greed, etc, it will come up and get in your face. So, it's better to deal with that stuff now.
Secondly, if you can get your big jobs done now, do it. When this happens, you will not have the capability for extra stress. So get your affairs in order.

Me- “Great, no pressure then.

Guardians - Give me ‘the look’ then continues- “You can support yourself and your clients by preparing their cells for the increase. It’s like programming each cell to be capable of an inward stretch to hold more energy.
Most of society will go into an automatic pilot mode over this time because they will need all of their energy to process the change.
If you can support yourself and others to stay conscious and involved in the change, there will be opportunities that most of society will miss. For example, over this time, there will be a rebirth of the manifesting flow, the synchronicity flow and the distribution of abundance energy across the planet. There will be many other new positive energies coming back as well. The only question is ‘who will be there to claim them? Not every soul will choose to lift. There will be a massive increase in the amount of walk-ins and Soul pyramid shifts.“

So? are you ready to learn how to help them?”

Me - “…. Go on then, where do we start?”

For dates and times of this month’s shifts- Click here


Gratitude Creates the Bridge for a Miracles


Energy For 2025