Gratitude Creates the Bridge for a Miracles

Have you ever wondered where the energy for a miracle comes from? - “Sure, they come from the ‘Creator’ “, but what do we do that invites it in?

When I look at the energy of miracles, small and large, it appears that there are two types of energy flow.
The first ones are gifts straight from the Divine. A blessing of our path and purpose.

The others are birthed through a human experience. This is not only through Random acts of kindness but through everyday experiences.
I ‘see’ small gifts of Divinity flowing around some people or spaces. They travel on a ray, or bridge of rainbow light, like what you would see from a prism. I ‘know’ this light is created by our experience and our reaction to our experience. We are doing something to anchor it in. I’m not suggesting that the Creator needs us to, of course, the Creator is creating miracles without our small actions. But the second type of miracle energy doesn’t seem to start from the Creator. It starts with us! So what action creates this opportunity? Surely it must be something that only the strong, mighty and pure of heart can achieve. ….. Nope!

When this type of question enters into my heart, it’s time to ask my Guardians for a coaching session.
This is the abridged version of the discussion I had with my Guardians this week:.

Them- No matter what other people’s experience is, or what they show after you have channelled or healed for them, remember that your exchange is with the Divine. Give gratitude and a heartfelt honouring of that exchange. The gift of the work creates one side of the miracle bridge, your honouring, creates the rest.

Me- Is this true of all exchanges or just between myself and the Divine?

Them- “As above, so below”. All exchange, between all souls or a soul and the Divine will create a miracle bridge - if the exchange is celebrated and honoured fully.

Me - So, when I am channelling the Divine, I need to give gratitude to the Divine, of course, But If I am channelling the Divine for someone else, who do they show their gratitude to, to create the miracle bridge? The Creator for the gifts? Or to me for being the vessel through which they receive it?

Them- Ideally, those two things would be given gratitude separately. Two bridges are better than one. (chuckles, for stating the obvious)

Me- Why do you say ‘ideally’?

Them - Because most people don’t separate you from the work. You know that there are two aspects- the Divine and yourself, but - they see one person bringing a gift through. They see you thanking the Divine and follow your lead.

The easiest way to explain it is to say it’s like when you build a house. Many people play a role in the process. In spiritual work, the Divine is like the architect, who sets the intention of design. The channeler is like the builder who brings the intention into the physical. The people who receive the channel are like the plumbers and electricians who give it life.
In spiritual work, people will often see the architect and the builder as one person.

Me thinking this through- …. So, let me see if I am understanding, …… the person who is receiving the gift- recognises the change the process created. They give thanks for the shift…..that’s the bridge between them and the Divine? ………….But lets say, they don’t recognise the channel’s/healers’ (my) role in it?…..They might casually say ‘Oh thanks for that, it was lovely’……, but they don’t invoke the energy of gratitude… it isn’t ‘heartfelt’. What happens then?

Them- The energy of the ‘experience bridge’ between the giver and the receiver falls away; the energy dies. ….. Before you ask, yes we know you feel the grief for this and the lost opportunity for those you care for. and no, there is nothing we can do to help, other than telling you to explain it to them in a blog.

Me- ……. Well….. S**t, that’s awkward.

Them- Awkard enough that you won’t share the blog?

Me- ….. I’ll ask Katie to decide lol.

Me - Ok, so let’s just be clear- when we feel and share true heartfelt gratitude for Any exchange, of service - be it physical or energetic- (Spiritual or muggle world) - an energy is created from….?

Them - Your hearts.

Me- Then what? That can’t be all of it.

Them- The energy of gratitude touches the giver’s heart. They need to receive it with joy and an open heart, and then the two energies combine and grow. As this exchange is felt, it creates a flow of energy between the 2 people. The flow moves around them. like and infinity symbol, growing stronger with each rotation. This creates the anchor point for something bigger to come into being. The energy of this exchange is experientially much bigger than the two parts. As the two people exchange joy of the experience, the energy can grow even larger. The larger the energy grows, the bigger the anchor point. If at that point, they give thanks to the Divine, it is like bringing a third energy into the process, but the Creator LOVES joy and celebration. So the energy flows up and creates a bridge through which the Creator’s joy can travel. This bridge lands in a energy called “The Feild of Miracles”. From here miracles can travel across the bridge and into the physical plane.

Thus a bridge for miracles is created.

Me - So why aren’t there more miracles?

Them- Because people have forgotten the three steps- Gratitude - Joy and Celebration - Connection to each other and the Divine.

Me- I get it now. The grief I feel in those moments isn’t grief for me or others? It is grieving for the lost miracles. ……..I have to stop grieving for the lost bridges, don’t I?………..and create new bridges.

Them- Yes, you do. But you can also pick up old lost bridges and share the celebration with the Divine. The miracle wont be anchored into the physical word, but it will bless your own spirit.

Me- Ok.

….. Hey Guardians?….. Thank you.

Them- You are most welcome, we love you.


The energy that is coming in March/April- Time to prepare!