December ‘24 ~ Future Shift Times

We have several Shifts in consciousness in December 2024.

The December Shifts are different. They are often more of an invitation to journey.
Here’s how it is likely to work. The 15th will most likely be a healing. The V.U Guardian Surgeons are already planning to help. So as soon as you book in, they will start doing small preparations with you, in your dream time. After the healing on the 15th, if you can lay still for longer, the healing will continue. That close to Christmas, it’s understandable if that’s not possible without massive planning.
The 18th will either be a total rewire of our being or a claiming of your purpose. I can feel both of these coming, I just don’t know what order they will happen.
I have been told that some of these Shifts will involve a Soul journey to get to the state of consciousness where you can receive the Shift. I will lead you on the journey, but it will be up to you to surrender and accept the gifts. For this reason, some of you may wish to do the journey more than once. If you attend the Live zoom, you will also have access to the recording, if you ask.

To book these Shifts; Click Here;

December 15th ~ 9:57am

December 18th ~ 8:26pm

 December 21st Solstice ~ 7:12am

 December 21st Solstice ~ 12:46pm

 December 21st Solstice ~ 9:14pm

 December 24th ~ 12:46am ~

 December 27th ~ 8:48am ~