Lakes, Trees and Serene Seas

We drove away from Huka falls with a feeling of having received a special download of ancient wisdom. It was becoming apparent that there was an interesting side affect of doing this work, that neither of us had expected. One of the qualities of the water energy is the ‘ripple’. As we were gifting our offerings to the water tribes, there was a ripple back effect. We gifted the crystals and our love. They rippled back their love, gratitude and often a download of ancient water wisdom. Sometimes the ripple back was immediate. Other times, the water beings had to used the energy from the crystals to clear the blocks to their soul wisdom. They were using the Shungite clearing energy and the ascension download to retrieve ancient wisdom from their ancestral memories. When this happened it would come through like a wave of relief and celebration. We would be access to some of this wisdom as the information was retrieved. Sometimes it was in a language we didn’t quite understand, but you could feel the vibration of the concepts it was carrying. To be gifted such wisdom was extremely humbling and a honour.

Our conversation on this day of driving was celebrating the depth of the of the journey and how special water was in our lives, beyond the normal of needing it to survive. Our journey was traveling to a deeper level of consciousness.

Waimahana Reflections

Waimahana River Freeze

This beautiful freeze carries the same peaceful energy as the above Waimahana river, just down river from the magnifient Huka Falls after we’d given our offering and blessing. To me, it’s as if the star shaped flowers at the end of the curved wave lines have just blossomed. A tiny water Bird Being seems to be diving down to catch the energy flow. Uniquley soft and serene.

Redwood forest

I couldn’t go through Rotorua without a visit to the redwood forest. This forest has a completely different selection of Unseen Kingdom tribes dwelling within it. It was wonderful to make these connections again. I left 2 mirror doors for these tribes. One high up in the canopy and one for those who live within the roots and earth.

Redwood Forest Freeze

We walked on an upper walkway through the entire quiet forest, in silent reverence for the towering Beings above, far above the stars of the punga forest below. It’s quite extraordinary, and free of bird song. I managed to collect just enough water from a tiny pool on the forest floor for my freeze, droplets from the canopy above after the recent rain. The first freeze seems to reflect the tall, straight trunks, and the hanging walkway network. The second freeze shows delicate curving pungas, star shapes, even minute details of the redwood leaves.

Hells Gate Pools

After a wee picnic in the van, we continued on our journey. Next we made a sneaky stop into Hells Gate thermal hot pools. We didn’t have time for a swim, but we did manage to ask for a water sample for Katie to do a freeze from! The guys who work here were amazing. I’m sure they thought we were a bit odd, but they were cool about it. This thermal pool was apparently once a foot bath until the temperature climbed to beyond bearable.

Hells Gate Thermal Freeze

A fascinating freeze of these boiling thermal waters, 43 degrees. I can clearly see two large Guardians, one in the centre face on - long slitted eyes, closed mouth and one on the LHS of the dish looking to the left, left-side profile. Both have the vibration of holding ancient wisdom, as the pools themselves do, the Land was alive long before any humans ever walked upon it. The mottled texture reflects the high sulpheric acidic content of the water.

Lake Rotoiti, Lake Rotoma and Lake Rotorua.

This part of the country is fascinating. So many lakes, so close together and yet each one has a completely different energy experience.

I wish we had more time (and wetsuits) to swim each one and get a deeper understanding. Maybe another time we will revisit these spots in summer and share space with these water tribes.

Lake Rotorua

The place where I sampled Lake Rotorua was edged in swaying reeds, lovely they said hello in this first freeze. Interesting how the dragon Guardian is almost transparent, as if to say I’m there if you look hard enough, midway between the two stars. Both dishes were quite sparse, although the energy quite different. In the second feeze, Arniya told me Lake Rotoiti’s Guardian who shimmers beneath the ferned arrow archway was an image created by the Water Elementals to honour her, as she is an ancient Water Keeper who is one of the Blue Tribe, continuing her Sacred duty.

Lake Rotoiti

Katikati, Bay of Plenty.

I have a good friend in Katikati, who I try to visit when I am in that part of the country. It is one of my favourite spots in the world.
Katie and I had a lovely time here. It gave me a chance to teach Katie some of my water blessing songs and how I talk to the Undines. We had an amazing night in the spa pool and then swimming pool, under the full moon, singing to the water. When we do this, the water ripples back a healing that clears the water in our body.

My good friend Chi Chi. Doing her own form of water worship.

Kati Kati Natural Thermal Spring Freeze

This part of the country was new to me. The water has a special serenity to it which reflects in my freezes of the sea, their lily pond and the natural thermal spring which feeds their spa pool. The ‘beach’ is a beautiful expanse of tidal mudflats, gently flowing one way or the other. The first two freeze pictures are from our night in the pools singing blessings to the Water Guardians who came out to play, making magnificent waves all around the dish. Not so easy to see, they are there in the picture, shape shifting, showing us different faces; from the regal crowned princess with a playful mer Being complete with tail underneath her (first pic) to the peaceful, smiling, closed eyes of the gentle Being at the end of the feather in the second picture. Just click on each image for the full size view.

Kati Kati Serene Sea Freeze

The freezes from the sea at Kati Kati blew me away. The first one below is very unusual for seawater, in that the texture is unlike the others which are more typical of salted ocean - where images are sketched in fine, delicate lines. From its perfect tiny hexagon on the top LHS almost at the dish edge, to the many fern hexagons throughout, I was so surprised. It’s resonance is the vibration of other waters after our blessings. Then the Gauradians all said hello in the next freezes.

Kati Katie Ocean Guardians Freeze

The Water Guardian(s) in these freezes have a strong masculine feel to them, the first looking down, with a hook nose, slanted right eye, a heart atop this eye. You can see the texture here so typical of ocean water. The second image - maybe the same Being - strong lips and nose again, only his left eye showing. I had to laugh in the last freeze when the fish appeared as if to say “we live here too…”. There’s a long, pointed spit of sand which divides the headland; on one side the calmer, tidal mudflats, the other side leads to the open sea. Locals call it “The Point”, it shifts shape, almost disappearing when the tide is in. Exactly the same shape as the ‘pointed’ triangle the fish is nosing.

Kati Kati Duck Pond Freeze

This last picture shows the lotus filled duck pond in the foreground, with the sea behind. The first freeze reflects the serenity of the pond, and is filled with tiny stars and fern hexagons., and almost looks like a duck-face, beak open in the RHS centre, 3 O’Clock. The second freeze from the pond is chock full of information. An ancient Guardian looks out from the left edge of the dish, between 8 & 9 0’clock- parallel lines on his face, with a second ‘creature’ right beneath him at 6-7 O’Clock, which could equally be one of their two laborador dogs, as both frolic in the pond, the ear is floppy-ish. Amazing how both are so different yet from the same water. Sometimes the opposite happens. Water shares what she wants to and is right for the eyes seeing.

It was time for the next leg of the journey. Te Moata Retreat Center. To meet the Undines of the Goddess pool and the stone Dragon under the waterfall.

See the next page for pictures.

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