Lake Taupo - Land of Lemuria
Katie and I had booked two days in Taupo. This was partly to unwind a little and have a break, and partly because there was energy work to be done there.
We spent time at Whakaipo Bay connecting in with the Lemurian temple that is at the bottom of Lake Taupo. It is a truly magical spot and one of my favourite swim spots in summer. On the way there we had talked about going for a swim. Once we had felt the temperature of the lake, the harsh realisation that the lake water is straight off the mountains sunk in. Neither of us was keen to get in the ‘melt water’ in November. The mind is willing, but the body claims sanity must prevail. In the end, a knee-deep water blessing was the best I could muster. I placed my Lemurian quartz in the shallows and we gave our offerings. We then sat and enjoyed the magic of the spot. Talking to the dragons who were hiding in the energy of mists above the lake.
Lake Taupo - Whakaipo Bay Freeze
The tranquility of the lake that day was magical, I found myself easily sinking down into the energy of the Lemurian Temple and its Guardians.
As in all photography, Light plays a crucial role in all freeze pictures. I take many pictures of each freeze. One photo to the next can reveal an entirely different story, a Being emerges which then vanishes. As if Water itself is aware as I capture each image, then shifts as it melts to co-create the next with the Light (Veda talks of this in her webinars as well.)
The light was co-creator in this Lake edge picture, I see a Guardians’ profile sketched in the light along the wavy lake edge. The freeze below is intriguing - in the upper half, the portal to the Temple clearly shows in this large almost heart-like leaning Triangle. At its top, are the wings of one of the Guardians. The curved lit string underneath, the strong rippled lines fanning towards the portal on the RHS, and the long rippled line stretching from the bottom of the dish to the upper left - (5 to 10 O ‘clock) with more lines all around, these are all libraries of information ready to download into the Temple.
Zuvuyaland - Walking the Timetrack Spiral
Later that day, we visited Zuvuyaland, an energy garden where you can feel the power of different earth energies rising up out of the earth. Zuvuyaland was created by a lady called Vivien Johnson in 1991. She could feel the magic of this land and in her late 60s, took on the mission of supporting the landscape to bring these energies out into a environment where anyone could feel them. She created a water feature where the Divine feminine was present. She made paths up to the top of the rock where the masculine energy is strong. Most of all she created a giant spiral of rocks where the energy of the time track resides, with this heart shaped rock, pyramid on top, at its centre.
I have had a lot of very powerful meditation journeys on this land. Conversations with the Unseen Kingdom and Deities. I had a very special encounter with a Morepork there once. I have sung, dance and chanted on this land. It is very dear to my heart. And now, it is special for Katie too.
Zuvuyaland TImetrack
Zuvuyaland - The Founders
Zuvuyaland Divine Feminine
Zuvuyaland Divine Masculine
Zuvuyaland Freeze - Goddess Pool and Divine Masculine.
Zuvuyaland is an incredible sacred place with a unique energy unlike any I’d felt before. As soon as you step off the main road and enter its secret space, you feel the shift. Walking the spiral was almost disconcerting - if it hadn’t felt so peaceful, time flowed within its own parameters.
One could clearly feel the Elementals dancing amid the waving bluebells. Every now and then, the breeze blew in spots while it was completely still elsewhere. The curvaceous Goddess stream water feature wasn’t running, yet I managed to collect enough water from the pool at its bottom.
The Divine masculine rocks Arniya mentioned, are directly above the Goddess pool, at the foot of the Daddy of the Divine Masculine rocks - more of a a hill, which we climbed to the top. In the first freeeze, the resemblance is striking on the left of the dish to one of the smaller masculine rocks, pictured next. In the top middle, is the feminine heart-like sacral chakra triangle pointing down, directly at the masculine Being on the below left. In the second freeze picture, you can see a clear echo of the Goddess pools shapely stone curves amid watery ripples
All in all our time in Taupo was good for the soul. After two days of R and R, it was time to move on.
On our way out of town, we stopped at Huka Falls and made an offering. Once again, we were expected. The roar of the water tribe sang to us as we stood in awe at the power of this spot. We both gave offerings to this spot. Each of us with a personal message and connection. Huka Falls is an odd mix of energies. On one hand, it is a highly visited tourist spot and always has a flow of people visiting and mulling around. On the other side, the roar of the water gives you a feeling of privacy within your own being. If you choose to connect with the energy of the water, it is possible.
Hear the roar of Huka Falls singing its power song.
It is truly staggering to me, the depth of energy in this water. The Beings who live within it, or are ‘of it, are of equal complexity.
The most impressive of these beings are referred to as the ‘Wise Ones’ of the Water tribe.
They are almost as old as the planet. Once you have connected with them, they will often offer wisdom about emotional healing or water wisdom. Below are some close-up photos of the water. I asked them to show themselves in the photos.
See if you can spot them. Most of the photos have several Water Beings in them. If you can’t spot them, I’ll show you one day.
If you want to train in connecting with these Beings, this would be possible in the personal power courses or the play day workshops I run.
Next time you are near the bigger waterways, like this. try to call out to these Beings and ask them if they will show themselves in your photos. You just never know who will show up for you.