Whanganui River - Our Third Offering

By a happy coincidence, this offering was next to the weekly river market that had a wonderful crepe vendor. I still regret not having seconds.
I sat on a bench looking out at the water, reflecting on the baby duckling being killed and trying to find some peace with that event. I cleared myself with my pendulum and pulled myself into a more balanced space. It was time to continue on my journey to support the water.

I got a new offering of crystals out of the bag, and bought my awareness to flow with the great Whanganui river in front of me. Feeling the flow and wisdom this river holds. Breathing with the flow.
Slowly I became aware that once again, I was being watched. I started to have a suspicion that all the non-human beings of New Zealand were extremely aware that Katie and I were on a medicine journey to support the water. The Taniwha of the river had been expecting us. It swam upstream and then downstream past me. All the while watching me out of the corner of its eye.
I acknowledged its presence. It acknowledges mine. Taniwha’s are interesting to me. Some follow a protocol that is very similar to what you would see on any Marae throughout New Zealand. Others will meet me on a higher plane and establish common ground. This normally leads to us following a more dragon-like etiquette.
In this case, it was a little of both. I introduced myself with the relevant aspects of my Soul lineage. This energy exchange transmitted the consciousness that I was well-meaning and was no threat. It also opened the door for me to explain my offering.
I shared an understanding of the journey humanity has been on in the last 4 years. The pandemic and the energies this had led us to have in our bodies and therefore our waterways. I shared about the downloads we had received at the retreat in October and the ascension journey that humanity is on. I explained that the crystals held all of the soul wisdom that would help the water to clear itself and lift its vibration going through its own ascension journey. We discussed briefly the evolution that the Taniwha’s will be able to take after the water has lifted. We both agreed that this journey is inevitable, but will be much easier for the Taniwhas once the water is clearer.
I held the offering to my heart and connected with the energy of the river. As I did, the Taniwha called forth all of the Undines (Water Elementals) and Beings who live in this water or who are made of this water.
I threw the offering into the river and sent my love out to all those Beings present. I saw the Taniwha swim under the offering to collect it and with one fluid movement, curl around, dispersing it out to those who had gathered. Thus making sure that each race got access to some of the crystal energy.
With a nod, I gave my respect to all those present and the Taniwha. The job was complete.

It was time to go back to the car and rest my aching head.

Whanganui River Freezes

The first freeze of our great river called Whanganui overfroze around the edge, though you can see the strong, unmistakeable “W”, as if the river was saying hello, announcing itself, with a HERE I AM. There’s even a tiny star etched into its right hand side. It was after all, the first river in the world to be declared an indivisible, living Being. Beautiful.

I did some more freezes, in the next one with the rippled texture, The Taniwha himself made an appearance in the left half of the dish, facing to the right. His tiny eye and mouth with full closed lips, and a long dragon horn in the front, looking very Narwhal-esque.

You never know what Water will share with you, if you leave all expecations behind, magic. In this last freeze, I was surprised by the explosion of information and images. The many circular shapes are the ‘Undines’, - the Water Elementals, and there tiny ferns, feathers, fern hexagons, star shapes, and hearts; you can feel its high vibrational energy.

On the next leg of our journey, the Unseen Kingdom steps forward to say hello.

To read more- Click here.
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