I was teaching a Zoom class the other day, explaining the almost daily, ‘shifts’ in the human consciousness. Every time I think about this, I have a clear ‘Soul memory’ of our Souls planning for being here at this time.
An image of being one of the zillions of Souls who wanted the opportunity to be alive on earth at this moment. We are given a deep Soul understanding that living in the 2020s, would be the steepest learning curve of our Soul’s journey. We all knew that to be ‘chosen’ to be here, on earth, at this time was an honour and a privilege. The Soul growth you can accomplish here and now, will make all future lifetimes have a greater impact.
Only a few billion would be gifted the opportunity to incarnate.

We are the lucky, chosen Souls!

Sometimes this Soul journey isn’t easy, but we can help with that, and make no mistake, the opportunities of life now, are extremely special on a Soul level. Our only job is to figure out how to make the most of this life.

We are seeing a lot of exhaustion and apathy or- Ascension fatigue. There is an inner struggle to clear the past and achieve the required healing. Sometimes a little guidance can help you to see your way through or learn how to make the most of this energy.
My hope is that through my work with you, I can help you to become excited about the possibilities of life as a Soul, having a human experience, on planet Earth in the 2020’s.
It is truly exciting, and you are special just for being chosen to be here.

I wrote a few blogs in 2024 and the experience of living in this time. Explaining how and why the numerology of 2024 was intense.

2025’s energy will bring everything to a head. 2025 is the completion energy.

Give yourself the gift of a healing or support session to fully claim a positive clear life. This could still be “YOUR year”. Claim a positive focus for 2025.

Check out whats on offer.

What are you interested in?

Most common comment from clients-
“This is what I am
struggling with and
I don’t know how
to get out of it.”

Together we can unpack the problem and gather some understanding. We look at any reasons these issues are present. Sometimes these are present life. Sometimes the reasons are hidden in past life or energetic root causes. Once we understand where something has come from, we can clear it. Once you are clear of the root causes, I will try and teach you the skills you need to continue the clearing.

What to Expect

In sessions, we will talk about your life and see where the issues are. If it's problems with your partner or children, then I will teach you lifelong skills that will help improve the situation. If you have health issues or blocks in your life, we can heal them together. If you have the belief that you need to suffer before you deserve support, we’ll clear it…. Well truthfully, we’ll probably have a giggle about it first, because most of the time they are funny in hindsight. Then we’ll clear it.
We’ve all been ‘there’, but you don’t have to stay there.

“O.K, how do we increase our happiness spectrum?”

We work together within your beliefs and comfort zone. We establish the aim. Is it empowering a project or goal, clearing the fear, both or something else? 

After we understand this, we can make a plan. What will be most efficient? Will it be healing to clear past life attachments and negative energies? Or maybe just a booster healing to give you the energy to stand up again? Or do you need skills and understanding to move forward? 

Over the years I have had some clients who have come into a session with a list of questions about the universe or about why things in their lives have happened. We tick off each item until they find peace. Some people come in so broken that all I can do is wrap them in love, listen and heal their poor broken hearts. Then sometimes the two of us are in hysterics over what the guardians are telling us. If I don’t have the answer, I can normally channel it, if it’s in the highest good for you to know. 

The short answer is, -there are no rules to what you can ask or share. There are therefore no absolutes as to how we move through the process. What is always true is, you will feel better by the end of it. 

To Book a session Click here

Happiness spectrum

Imagine that your life satisfaction is measured on a rating of 1 to 10. One is the bottom of the hole; “I just want to end it all”. Ten is “my life is AWESOME”. Most people dwell in the middle ground of 4-6. 

I aim to -clear the beliefs and energy that cause the 1-5 experience. -empower the beliefs and experiences that cause the 5-10 experience. Eventually, this changes your happiness spectrum to be measured in a 5-15 spectrum. Then a 10-20 happiness spectrum experience. Together we will increase your quality of life and increase your potential for happiness. No matter how happy you are, there is always room for more happiness, more love and more empowerment.