Crystallography Gallery

~ The Ascension Shifts

in Consciousness ~

The Gallery below is a collection of Crystallographic Ice Pictures ~ known as Water Freezes.

There were 108 Solstice Ascension Shifts from June-July 2024, Arniya Heartford led us on a journey as each one lifted our Consciousness.

Water was placed on our body to capture the essence of the experience our Soul went through. (Click here to experience a Shift journey for yourself.)

Katie Te Ani then did a Water Freeze Picture using Veda Austin’s Crystallography technique.

The Artist is Water itself.

The images below reflect the energy felt by Katie or Arniya, the Ascension Guardians, the Elementals present or the vibrations and frequency of the Shift.

By gazing on the images, you can feel this energy in your own fields, enjoy.