Monday 26th of feb 3:24am (2024)

In the wee small hours of this morning, I was trying desperately to be asleep. Pulled into a half-waking state by a feeling of something touching my legs. I finally decided this must be a fly dive bombing me. I half asleep got up, lit the incense I use to get rid of flies. Went back to bed pulled the covers over my legs and tried to sleep again.
The feeling of being tapped, persisted. I woke up enough to realise that it wasn’t going to be a fly. I had a proper (intuitive) look around my room to see my elemental guardians very excitedly trying to get me up. With a slightly sleepy grown, I grabbed a blanket and went out to the lounge. It was 3 am. …. Now to be clear, Katie has made it EXTREMELY clear, that if stuff happens in the middle of the night, she doesn’t want to miss out and I HAVE to wake her. This may have been the first time she seemed less than enthusiastic about the idea of waking up for a shift.
With Katie joining in from her bed in the room next door, I sent a group text to those who have joined us in the past and started the zoom to make the following recording for you.
has been a while since we had a shift like this. I came away from it feeling like I had found a piece of myself. I hope you get the same level of change from it.


Feb/March Equinox Shifts in consciousness