How the ascension shifts started for us.
This is the back story,:
In March of 2023 I was driving to the railway station to pick up my new housemate from her recent holiday. As I was driving, the creator said, very clearly into my ear- “ at 5:15 pm tonight, there will be a large adjustment made to the vibration of the human spirit. You need to stop, Be very still. Be quiet. Listen and integrate this shift.”
“Right you are”, I thought, I can do that. Then I looked at the clock to see “5:03”. I realised that this left me 12 minutes to get to the railway station, collect Katie and find somewhere to “stop, Be very still. Be quiet. Listen and integrate.” I had only known Katie for a few weeks at this point. She got into the car and was told, “Hi, welcome home. I’ve just been told that at 5:15, I have to stop, Be very still. Be quiet. Listen and integrate a shift to the human soul, you can stay here and do it with me, or go for a walk for 20 mins, but sorry, I can’t drive you home straight away.” In true Katie fashion, she said “AWESOME! What do we do?”. With 2 minutes to spare, we put our seats back and settled in for the first of a long line of shifts to the human soul.
We both had strange body sensations and twitched and felt our breathing change as the shift occurred. At 5:28 we both sat up and looked at each other, fairly surprised by what had just transpired. The voice spoke again. “The next shift will be at 8:36 pm tonight. You need to stop, Be very still. Be quiet. Listen and integrate the shift in your consciousness. We both agreed that we were keen for another go
To be continued…….. -
The Second Shift.
At 8:36 that night we were in Katie’s bell tent. This time on padded mats and in a grid of my largest crystals. At 8:36pm two universal guardians appeared in the tent. Their clothes told me that they were soul surgeons. I said to Katie, “If you have any aches and pains, these guys are the ones to tell.” It was wonderful. My back had been playing up all week and finally, the pain was gone.
Very soon we had shifts every few days. I started to post the times on Facebook, eventually creating a group of people who wanted to follow along. They got more and more exciting. I started to tell Katie what was going on so that she could get more out of it. Then I thought, if Im going to tell Katie, I might as well do a Zoom and tell everyone.
At some point, they became daily. At the end of a shift, I would just know when the next one would be. Sometime in early April, I asked for the times to be given to me more in advance. This was when they dropped the big news. The voice came back “On June 3rd, the shifts will start to come 3 a day, for 6 weeks. You need to lead them through it.”
The shifts were at all times of the day or night. The times I was being given were very specific. 2:23am or 5:46pm. for example. Sure enough, at the exact time they had given, the soul doors would open and magic would occur.
After a while, I realised, that with a little bit of work, there was an opportunity to get even more from these shifts. The changes were becoming more intense and the creator was giving us options of how much we embraced the change. Obviously embracing it 100% was best but was also harder for most people. This is where the V.U guardians start to come in……….
The V.U guardians start to lend their support.
The V.U guardians are a team of ascended beings who support me with healing clients. It's a long story in its own right, but let’s just recognise that there are over 10 thousand elevated souls, living in a place called the V.U. I have worked with them for more lifetimes than I can count, so I know what they are capable of.
When the shifts started to become regular, they made the offer that they could support the people who I was leading. They could heal and rebalance them before or during a shift. They could give council or support to allow us the strength we needed to get the most out of the shifts that we could. From this point on, they became part of the Journey.
We were well prepared for the June marathon of shifts. Or so we thought…….
The Marathon of the June /July Ascension shifts
On June 3rd, we started 6 weeks of 3 Ascension shifts every day. I can’t put into words how special this journey was. Everyone logging onto Zoom, 3 times a day, to journey together. We became a shift family. Sometimes, all in our pyjamas. Sometimes people sitting in their cars. between jobs or hiding on the toilet at work. Everyone doing what they could to show up for themselves and for the creator.
If you click here, you can see a list of all the topics of the 126 shifts that we followed between June 3rd and July 15th. I have recordings for most of them, but the spreadsheet shows, those shifts where you can listen to the journey on Patreon. I’m adding more of them all the time, but with more and more exciting things to channel through, it is lower on the priority list than embracing the new gifts that keep coming.
Those who signed on to follow the shifts with me, all feel fundamentally changed. Like something permanent has shifted in our DNA. Out of the 126 shifts, most of the participants attended over 100 of the shifts. One shift at 3(ish) in the morning, we had all except 2 people at. This amazed me. It also confirmed to me that it was working for them and they knew it.
After the six weeks were over, I had a weekend away with two of the women who had followed the process. Their feedback was lovely. I ended up convincing them to do a video interview about it, which you can see by clicking here.
After the June/July Ascension shifts
July 15th we had a lovely gathering in Paraparaumu for those who could make it. We had a Cacao Ceremony and shared a meal. ….. But we all knew the journey was far from over.
I had already been told to expect a nudge for an occasional shift to flow through. I also knew something was happening in October.
The March shifts had started at the equinox. The June shifts had run for three weeks either side of the solstice. So it stood to reason that the October shifts will be on the equinox. While I am sure there will be shifts at Equinox, before that we have the 22nd of October. My teacher used to refer to the 22nd of October as the “spiritual new year”. For 30 years I have observed this day. The 22nd of October is the day that we first feel the energy of the year to come. In this instance that is the energy of 2024.
2024 is an 8-year (2+0+2+4=8). 8s are the number of Power, prosperity, and intensity. They offer a huge chance for us to either move forward or be bowled over. There is going to be a power surge on the 22 of October as this energy starts to arrive. We will feel this again on December 28th and January 1st.
So what’s the plan to get the most out of this? what has the creator got in mind this time?
How do we understand the road ahead?
Up until now, all of the shifts have been the same for all of humanity. Everyone was given the shift on a conscious or subconscious level. It was then within their free will to choose to not embrace it, or not.
The choices each soul has made over the last few years, and the way they have shown their truth, has helped the universal guardians to know who is choosing the road of heaven on earth and who has chosen to remain in the old mindset.These choices will start to form the road ahead for each individual. The shifts in October of each year will start to be unique for each soul “tribe”
It has been explained to me by the ascension guardians, that I am a connection link between many different soul tribes. They refer to this as being an ascension cog. Often this will mean wording the shifts in language that holds a slightly different vibration or instruction for different souls within the group. Or being a translator being different souls. -
The October Portal
We now know that the spiritual New Year energy is going to be a year big energy push each year.
The gathering start each year on the 18th of October.
Humanity will start to receive downloads of Ascension upgrades every 2 hours from the night of the 18th Oct NZT. (Obviously, some we will sleep though.)
On the night of the 18th we receive our first 3 downloads. With each download, we hold a crystal. Each stone is program the energy of the shift as it arrives. .I have been given a pattern for the stones to be laid out in a specific formation. As we download the shifts over the next few days, the grid will grow progressively larger.
On the 22nd of October, the power energy of the next year will arrive. This will open the portal aofthe spiritual new year. We will hold the anchor for any who wishes to change to a new soul journey. The 22nd is a day when souls can change their path forward and receive isfresh start.
Now is the time!
For years Healers and Guru’s have been teaching that we need to lift our vibration. We need to be ready to hold positive energy when “the time comes.”
Humanity needs your support to be open to receive a positive future.
Each year for the next decade, I have been told that we need to be ready to be the anchors for the New Year’s Portal to be held open.
Between the 18th and the 23 of October each year, I will be creating this crystal gateway. With a group of 12 other lightworkers,.Together we will be programming and charging around 500 crystals to support the energy shift that we feel on the 22nd of October each year. This will create a vortex of light that will support an opportunity for positive change in society.
How we do it.
Over the first half of the gathering, we will sit together every few hours. I will be channelling guidance on what energy is coming through for the crystals to hold. I will have taught you how to put this energy into a crystal before the retreat begins. If you can’t make it to build the grid, I will also be offering the shifts over zoom!
As the energy builds, we will do more to support each other to embrace it and celebrate life within the higher energy. What we send out, returns to us multiplied. This energy will support your life to skyrocket forward. However, this is not our key focus. More than ever before, humanity needs your help to break free and lift into a positive future.
You could join us over Zoom. Creating a small grid for yourself. But nothing is the same as being here and supporting the big grid.
Will you help? -
Introducing the mother Crystal
When we started to prepare for the first grid in 2023, I went looking for a very special crystal to hold the middle of the portal anchor. That was when I found the mother crystal. Every crystal that we used in the first grid, was touched to the mother and has a permanent link to her. She grows stronger with every shift.
Last years grid
The photo here shows last year’s grid. It was mostly clear quartz and selenite. The grid for 2024 will be different. I am already being told to. prepare powerful sets of crystals.
When creating the grid, each crystal has its special place. each person has their own set of crystals to charge and place. With each shift, the energy gets stronger. -
Hidden benefits of Joining the work
Every year is different. We are anchoring in the energy for the year to come. Because we haven’t lived that year, we have no idea what this will entail. However, what we do know is that last year we received tools that have supported us through 2024.
After the retreat, we added to our spiritual tool kit. Here is a list of a few of the gifts.
-Dragon-blessed water
-Sands of the Time track to support time healing
-Elemental holders for our alters
- A deeper understanding of medicine and soul tribe.
Who knows what the gifts will be this year?
after the anchoring was complete, the lightworkers were able to buy any of their crystal sets that they wanted to. This year, the crystals will be something different. -
The Retreat for 2024
The retreat is all about the gift to humanity.
We start on the afternoon of Friday the 18th of October. We will have an opening ceremony and meet and greet in the afternoon. Then there will be a little free time for those who are staying in BnB’s to settle into their accommodation. We will re-gather for dinner and then an evening or 2 to 3 shifts. If last year is anything to go by, we will be asked to anchor shifts late at night and early in the morning. Each one is special in its own right.
Between shifts is free time. I am normally in the tent to support anyone who needs it. Most people last year spent their spare time resting, journally or walking on the beach.
It’s a big weekend, but the lasting benefits are worth the work. -
The 2024 grid is complete!
The Grid retreat for 2024 was truely one of the most magical gatherings of my life.
It was a smaller group of 8 women, but they showed up ready to work. The shifts were extremely powerful and love-based. The soul work done between the shifts was life-changing for everyone present. I am absolutely sure that lifelong friendships were made over this weekend.
Days later a lady came to the door and said that something in our space was calling her to sacred work. She thought maybe we were selling crystals and that she was meant to buy one. When I showed her the grid she cried. The grid had been calling her spirit. She brought her healing teacher and friend, back to see the grid. Together we sat in the energy of the grid. Healing and soul sharing was achieved. Soul gifts were exchanged. Magic happened. We were all blessed by the experience. The power of the grid gifted us this.
The eight women who helped build the grid at this retreat will help me to anchor a bigger retreat next year. This will open the door to a much larger group experiencing the magic of this time and the medicine of the soul grid
We are now calling the souls who are called to the magic of the grid. Are you one of our grid family?