Energy For 2025

Think back over the last eight years. 2017 was the beginning of this nine-year cycle, which will be completed in 2025. I think we can all safely say rather a lot has happened in those nine years. 2025 is the year that we gather all of the lessons and gifts we have received in the last eight years. We will process them and integrate the gifts, strengths and learnings.
Find the Soul growth in the journey walked. Process it. Claim it. Own it. Now is the time we need to make it work for you!

If you add the numbers of 2025 together (2+0+2+5=9) it equals 9. The energy of the nine-year is COMPLETION, COMMUNITY AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Since I started being aware of numerology, we have had three 9 years. 2016, 2007 and 1998. Each one was a pivotal year for me. 1998 was when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, which took me 7 years to heal. I learnt a lot about healing chronic illness in this time.
2007 was unsuccessful fertility treatment and the end of that dream. This taught me a lot about the value of compassion and self-love. I learnt to seek and find my true calling and the value of who I am today.
In 2016 my husband died of bowel cancer. In losing John, I had to rebirth myself and my perception of my path. In doing this I deepened my connection to the divine.
Each New Year I study the energy of the year to come. What it will hold for me. What will it hold for my clients and those I love.
With the hindsight of the previous nine years, would be illogical if I didn't start looking into the energy of a nine-year without a little trepidation. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised that this year feels like it will be full of wonderful magic. I can feel amazing new journeys looking at me from just over the horizon. Maybe it is because I am approaching it with my eyes open and plan to embrace it. After all, while they have often been intense the nine years always deliver an interesting ride for me and often the most growth.

On reflection, I can see that in the previous nine years, I have been pulled into the focus of completion. 2025 seems to be calling for a more conscious journey. I am choosing to focus mostly on completion for the first few months. From then on, the focus I am being pulled into is Unconditional Love and community.
I asked the Guardians to show me my personal plan for 2025. They keep showing me a diving board, or rather pieces of a diving board. Each goal I have for this year, is a piece of the board. the more I can complete and put together, the more I will be able to jump forward in the one year of 2026.
When I scan forward, I can see a separation of humanity around March/April. Some will choose the harder road of focusing on the darker journey of completion for the second and third quarters of the year. The group I am drawn to will be shifted into a focus on Unconditional love and connection to the divine, community and our Soul tribes. If you are reading this, you are more than likely walking beside me on the Love quest. A focus on empathy and compassion will be vital to travel this road with grace. We will need to focus on hearing our own soul calling and purpose. It is time for you to hear the inner voice of your wisdom and passion for life. I don’t want to do a sales pitch here….. but ….. If you don’t have a connection to your heart purpose and passion yet….. Get your little tottle into the tent for a session asap. Now is the year to claim it!
Humanity may come back together for the last quarter of 2025, but everyone will be forever changed by their choices in the middle of the year.

April sees ideas start to form and framework of living within the soul house of love and compassion. If this image is held strongly, the abundance to support that lifestyle will start to flow in as early as May. To open our lives to this, we are going to start work on clearing our energy to receive support from the Universe in January. The weekly Tuesday meditations will support you to be ready to shift. The new creams, in the shop, will help to readjust your energy. You have the tools to make the shift with grace.

Whichever path you choose, 2025 will be a game changer. It is the end of an era, and therefore the space before the new start of 2026.


The energy that is coming in March/April- Time to prepare!


Ascension Fatique Healing