Migraine support


Migraines are horrible things. Over the last 20 years I have had many clients with chronic migraine issues. Ranging from - I cant concentrate to I have been in induced coma because the pain was so bad, the doctors felt they had to.
I have learnt how to clear migraine pain enough that stress of the pain goes and the sufferer can return to a restful state.
There is a process to this healing. Firstly we do a 1 hr consultation. This is to get a history and get to know one another. (no-one wants to meet someone new for the first time when they feel like their dying)
After this we have time banked for a bad day. This is for a short video call when you have a migraine. As soon as a migraine starts, you tx me. As soon as I am free (between clients normally) I will tx you or call you, depending on how your feeling. If I can video call you and see your energy, I can normally lift the migraine within 15 mins. if you can talk, great, if you cant and need silence, thats ok too.

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