The Christmas Season
I woke up this morning with a message in my heart for those who are building up for the intensity of Christmas week.
We live in an age when we are starting to realise that we need to live a lifestyle of self-care. Yet in the Christmas season, we throw all logic to the wind and try and push through to the finish line.
I understand that many of you will be running around like headless chickens trying to achieve the miracles of Christmas. I would also bet that some of you are alone, and feeling like you have to "brace for impact" of being alone on Christmas day, or worse, surrounded by people who you don't feel safe with.
It seems like standard practice now for us to fry our energy to reach the 26th of December and have a moment to breathe.
I know better than to tell you to slow down or not go into the lion's den. So here are some survival tips you can do while busy.
Place yourself in a shielding bubble - You do this by visualising it and believing in it. See a mirror on the outside of the bubble reflecting chaos. Now fill the bubble with your choice of the following
A- Love
B- patience
C-True Christmas spirit
D- A delightful Christmas cocktail of all of the above
E- Your own divine essence to the highest vibration available
to you at this time
Place yourself in a shielding bubble - You do this by visualising it and believing in it. See a mirror on the outside of the bubble reflecting chaos. Now fill the bubble with your choice of the following
A - Your own divine essence to the highest vibration available to you at this time
B- Love
C- patience
D- True Christmas spirit.
E- A delightful Christmas cocktail of all of the above.
Pendulum - if you have one. Ask your pendulum to:
A - Clear any blocks to your energy topping up and receiving the best flow of energy from the divine
B - Rebalance your adrenals
C -Boost your immune system
D - Clear any and all blocks between yourself and those you are spending Christmas with
E - Clear any and all past trauma you have associated with Christmas and/or family.
F - Clear your ability to process excessing food intake gently.
If you are having challenging guests- clear the energy in your house before they come and have what you need ready to clear it as they drive away.
Visualise yourself being filled up with positive energy. Feel it pouring in through the top of your head and filling you all the way down to your toes.
Ask the creator for the spiritual download of soul information that you need to thrive in this time.
There is an energy shift happening on the planet right now, for some, it will create health issues and mood swings. I can clear the root issue in a healing however if you don't have time for that, try to breathe in Blue light around you and through your body.
As always, If you need help, please reach out for a session. I can clear an awful lot of these sorts of issues, over a video call or the phone, even if you are shopping or cooking at the time. Just call 0211412690 and ask if I can do a session. We’ll figure something out.