Shifts 101

The planet is evolving. The Aquarian Age is upon us and we are slowly shifting into a new start for life in a new framework. You may ahve heard people talk about the coming New Earth. In a hundred years, people will look back at this being the moment of great change. We are already experiencing time differently than we did a hundred years ago. The Elements themselves and even human connection is slowly changing. Our potential and Soul possibilities are also opening up. To support this process, we are being given small downloads of change, by the Creator on a regular basis. I am guiding people throughg these via zoom as they come in. You will receive these Shifts in consciousness, regardless of whether you join a zoom journey with me. Everyone on earth is receiving them. So why listen? Simply put - because receiving them consciously, means you can maximise the energy of change and get infinitely more from them. It also means any side-effects from processing them are minimised.

Here’s the difference; With each level of connection to the Shift, you receive more.

* If you go it alone - you will receive the Shift, but it will probably take days, if not weeks, for you to process and integrate the change. This is the cause of the feeling of overwhelm and the ‘ascension’ symptoms that are so prolific at the moment. Many of the general public are still struggling to integrate Shifts that happened last year.
* If you choose to just look at the theme of what the Shift is about, say from the title of my video recording, that will speed up the integration because the conscious mind knows what it is processing and where to place it in your life. It’s better than doing nothing.
* If you visualise yourself going back to the time of a recording when you listen to the past shifts, this is the next best thing. You will integrate the flow of the shift completely by the end of the recording. But it’s still like eating stale week-old bread. It’s ok, still fills you up but it loses something in the timing.

Without question, Live is best. Here’s why;

Often the V.U. Guardians gift us additional support through a Shift. They may show you how to take the energy from a Shift and utilise it to support your life purpose. They often guide us to ask the Ascension Guardians for extra support or gifts. Some of these gifts can only be received when the Shift energy is still fresh. The extra support on offer, will not be as powerful when you are listening to a Shift recording, especially if another Shift has already happened since then.
If you can listen to the recording before the next Shift comes in, the energy is still current. The Ascension Guardians who are holding that specific Shift, are still present in the planet’s consciousness. They can still help and support you.
* Ideally, you join us for the Live zooms. I am given the exact moment when the Shift comes onto the planet by the Ascension Guardians, because this is the time when the energy is easiest to process. The longer it is on the planet, the more human consciousness becomes attached to it, and the harder it is for us to process. If you show up for the Live zooms, the Ascension and the V.U Guardians will honour your commitment to yourself and support you more.
* If you fall asleep during a Live Shift or “trance out”, you do not receive the opportunity to make a conscious request or choice. Often we will be asked ‘What do you need to support you through this Shift?’ or ‘Where in your body do you need healing?’, or even… “this is an opportunity to walk this path of….”; You will miss these precious gifts if you are not “present” during the zooms.
* if you are doing something else while attending a Live zoom ( - yes some people do), you will not receive the same energy support. The active body can not process the same flow as a resting body in full presence. I understand, if this is the only way you can join a Live Shift, it is better than nothing, but be aware that you are limiting what is possible. To receive the Live Shifts fully, you need to be still, present and open to receive.

Most people struggle to join all the Live zooms for every Shift. You can only do your best, and everyone has a busy life. However, I wanted to explain to you how the energy of the Shifts differs, depending on how you are able to receive it.

With all this explained, it has to be said, you can only show up when you can. I have taken on the Soul contract to channel through these Shifts for humanity until I’m at least 60. (I’m 50 now). Therefore, I have to be there whether others join me and show up or not. In the June/July period, this is hard because it limits what else I can do. I am trying my best to keep the Live Shifts free for all. If you are able to give a koha (donation) to support this work, it would really help.
The recordings of most of the past Shifts going back to 2023 when they began, are free for you to listen to. The exception to this is the Solstice Shifts of 2024. These are more intense and there are 108 Shifts we went through in this 6-week period. You can access them all on the Solstice Shifts Recordings Package.

The Shifts in Consciousness are going to continue for at least 9 more years. I will continue to lead people through them for as long as I am needed. Why will it take so long? Because we need that long to adjust to the change without damage to our physical and enegetic bodies.

There are seasons to the Shifts. Each June/July we have 6 weeks over solstice with an average of 3 Shifts a day. From the 18th to the 22nd of October, over spiritual New Year when the next year’s energy flow begins, there is a average of 35 Shifts over 5 days. March and April see a smaller wave of opportunities for change. The rest of the year has a smattering, but not many. There are many over Christmas and New Year, but they are so personal to each individual, I haven’t yet been asked to lead any journeys for them. December sees a larger percentage of the planet open their hearts a little, this supports us to make the changes we need to and navigate them with more ease.

I hope this explains a bit more about the Shifts. If I can do anything else to support you through them, please call me and have a talk.


Ascension Fatigue


Q?:“I keep falling asleep in shifts and meditations”