Planetary Reprograming

On the 15th of march, I was driving to the railway station to pick up a friend. As I’m driving around the Paraparaumu roundabout and a hear an extremely clear voice in my ear from one of my guides. They say: "at 5:15 pm a soul readjustment will be entering the earth energy for those who are focused to receive it. You need to stop- be silent and focus on your purpose, your gifts, and your light. Anchor who you are in your soul body."

"Wow," I thought. Then I realised it was 5:03. I zoomed off to the station. My friend got into the car at 5:11 and was immediately informed about what was happening and was told we were sitting in the car park in silence for 15mins.

Luckily she is Intune with the energies enough to feel the energy and be equally into it as I was. The shift did not disappoint. It felt like someone had just upped the wattage of my internal light bulb. (So cool)

At the end, the guides said "next shift is at 8:20 pm. See you then.

We came home and went to the beach to give thanks.

At 8:20 we were nestled in blankets in the bell tent ready for stage 2.

Four surgeon guardians arrived with the team. Two each. Once again we were told to hold our soul intention. "Hold the light that you are".

They then proceeded to rewire our connections between our energy fields and our chakra. Upgrading flow with the systems.

Then they asked "what issues within your physical body are blocking you from being your full self and holding your light on the planet. " we told them. They then healed each one in turn.

This felt amazing. We could feel things physically moving.

I feel so blessed by this interaction. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be able to hear these instructions.

They left saying that the work would continue while we slept.


The next day I asked for more details, and this is what I was told:

Now is the time of genetic and DNA changes to Times of shifts so far

15th march 5:15pm and 8.20pm, 16th march3:15am and 8:20am, 17th march 11:45am and3:12pm. The reprogramming was coming thick and fast. All I could do was create a facebook group to tell people what was happening and ask people to tell others who weren’t on facebook.

As soon as I committed to telling others I was given the meanings for each shift in advance. Below is most of the posts I put on Facebook at the time. I will continue to share the focuses of the reprogrammings as they come through. You will be able to find them on the facebook or as other posts here on my website- in the global earth shift blog page

Facebook posts

15th march

5:15pm- soul purpose- heart opening

8.20pm chakra aligning and healing the physical body

16th march

3:15am soul purpose elevation

8:20am - clearing and aligning the divine masculine in the new energy

11:45am - clearing and aligning the divine feminine in the new energy

3:12pm- first and primal DNA strand of creation.


I was told “it is not only humans going through this, from the 17th of march the animal kingdom and the unseen kingdom may also be receiving too. You will be informed of these flows. Please support as many other beings as you can. Send light and blessings to support their journey.

The flow of guidance continued with three soul Reprogramming’s a day.

March 17th

11:10 am - angelic realm memories opening

3:33 pm - Service to the goddess memories reopening

8:45 pm group consciousness deprogramming and cleansing.

18th of march

8:46 am
Clearing of family connections- living family contracts- upgraded and refreshed and elevated to a new vibration

4:49 pm

Animal kingdom connection of understanding- shifting our conscience connection to all living beings.

 19th march

8:43 am

Awakening the energy of middle earth

The energy with the planet- cleansed - elevated- download of soul knowledge for those who have walked that road and forgotten.


As the week goes on, the message comes through that we would continue to have these shifts at this rate until march 26th.

This has little to do with the clearing. It's about our vibration shifting to the new energy.

My guardians are now referring to this as planetary reprogramming rather than shifts. The soul and physical structure of everything on the planet (that wishes to enter into the new energy) is now needing to have the old energy cleared out and the new vibration bought into alignment. This is a flow of energy. As always, we have free will. You can choose to embrace the new or opt out. However, in my heart, I feel like those that choose to opt-out will be on a very separate path from those who take the ride. It is a true separation of societal experience.

18th march 8:43 pm

The remembering continues- The pm reprogramming is helping us to remember our original soul origins and purpose. A return of the first tribes.

to do this we will have to clear away a layer of dross which blocks conscious memory. I can see myself being in the void. A sea of empty space. The void holds nothing and everything all at the same time. If you haven't spent time there before it's odd at first. time doesn't exist. You're weightless and boundaryless. Anything that you identify as that isn't truly you, will just float away. I suspect that most of humanity will not go to the void first. This shift will be harder without the void visit first

When they first gave me the time, it was an hour later. So I am guessing that they have allowed an hour for us to cleanse in the void first.

The shift itself will start for everyone at 8:43.Many choose to go into the void first to connect with more grace. I led them through this over a Facebook live.


The 19th march -6:43am reprogramming was the beginning of the universe telling us what the lesson/experience of the "land that you live in" is going to be. People will now decide where they want to live. If you have multiple places you call home- you will be told the options and get to say your preference.


The 11:59am This started suddenly with a big wave or push of energy. The guardians had warned us it would so we had all prepared to receive it without fear.


During these processes, I had been sitting in a crystal grid to support the work.

On each corner is a lodestone, a rose quartz, a larger clear quartz and a garnet. At my head is my apophyllite- my feet is a south American Mangano calcite cluster. On my right is a slab of clear quartz- on my left is my crystal ball.

For some of the journeys, i have had others on my chest. When these reprogramming start again, I highly recommend having a crystal grid to support your energy through the process. Even if you won’t be always able to sit in it. I will support your energy regardless.

The 11.59am shift was cleansing and reprogramming of the sacral chakra.

The chakra is 1 inch below your belly button and hold the energy of your sexuality- creativity - abundance.


Next universal shift is 8:43pm shift is opening the concept of time and distance changing. There will be more information coming through into your subconsciousness about this over time, tonight is about them opening your mind to the concept so you can handle it when the information comes through.



10:43 am

This was the start of a cellular shift in our senses. An upgrade for our eyesight- hearing- smell- taste- and weirdly our gut instinct rather than touch. These aspects of our experience are super sensitive, so they are being up-graded slowly and gently (I suspect this is so we don't spin out)
The guardians are saying that over the next few months, we may start to experience new colours, smells or sounds that are part of the new earth experience

3:33pm- (This shift will be on a rolling time frame- eg it will not change with the time zone. it will be at 3:33pm your time -wherever you are in the world on the 21st of march)

Focus is :

A balancing of the journey- balancing of energy like:

Male/ female
Light/ dark


Active/ resting


Peace/ chaos

etc (well that's going to be interesting lol)


the next reprogramming is at 11:11pm tonight

(This shift will be on a rolling time frame- eg it will not change with the time zone. it will be at 11:11pm your time -wherever you are in the world on the 21st of march)

The focus is:

an opening of the soul to allow an awareness of the conscious gifts that come for the peace and stillness of the night energy. A reprogramming of the beliefs around dark and light, night and day and the roles these hold in society.



March 29th 4:42pm


March 2023