March 29th 4:42pm

Another reprogramming of the human soul experience is due today (29/3/23) at 4:42pm NZT.

We have had a few days since the last one. Many people have experienced major physical clearings or emotional outbursts or shifts. This is partially caused by the changes in our souls causing a shift in the pathways of our brains. These changes are opening us to a new flow of being. The further through the process we go, the more I am feeling the benefits of taking the time to stop and actively support the changes in my being, as they come through. If I flow with the new energy, I travel the journey with those more enlightened souls who embrace the lift with excitement and the love of life. I watch those who are waiting till they are asleep to integrate the change. They seem to join a consciousness of parts of society who fight the change. They are instantly exposed to group consciousness of resistance and struggle with the change.

Focus for march 29th 4:42

Closing the energy doors of the past. - As the old experience is closed, so is our opportunity to balance the karmic dept and reclaim past life gifts. This is one of your final chances to seal old contracts and call back to you any treasures that you have stored away in times gone by.
for the 20mins of this shift 4:42-5:02pm on the 29th, the new higher vibrational causal realm will be easier to enter and work in. There will be a support to sign off any karmic contracts and past debts. Karma will either cease to exists in the coming energy or be very different. This does not mean you cannot rebalance Karmic debt ever again. Time is not linear on the inner dimension. Your next life could be in the past. It is possible for you to reincarnate in the past so you can rebalance your karma. It does seem like a bit of a hassle if you don’t need to though. So let's try to score away as many debts as possible during this shift.

The next shift is at 8:43am on the 30th of march 2023


8:43am 30th of March 2023


Planetary Reprograming