February 2023
Keywords for February:- Community, Unconditional love, Competition, Illusion,
All Truths or Deceit, hidden in plain sight
Question: Are you looking with eyes to see true,
or is the mind of wishful thinking blinding you from the truth?
There is an old saying in some of my circles of friends “magic is alive, the goddess is afoot”. When I look forward, down the possible time tracks for February it seems there are two opposing forces at work. One is magical, the other is mischief. Which path will you walk?
The Goddess is defiantly amongst us, creating the framework for the new aquarian age to stand upon. February will see a gentle shift to a more nurturing and fluid flow to the energies in our community spaces. This month will see this divine feminine energy round up loose ends of the patriarchy. Tucking away the outdated thinking of the Piscean age. She is elevating those who have the heart to live in the higher vibrations. Lifting them up into new roles and callings. Many of the lightworkers I know are experiencing gentle energy shifts that are a little like vertigo, but not unpleasant. There are new intuitive gifts coming online as mystics are embracing this new planetary love energy that February has to offer.
I have been told that February will see the unseen kingdom (the Davics, the green kingdom, the nature sprites, all those beyond the veil etc) coming out of their realm to rejuvenate the natural environment to support the shifts that are coming. They will connect with those who have eyes to see them.
There is guidance from the divine to support people to find their purpose and the life direction that they can be passionate about. Others will choose to use this energy to complete projects or bring learning experiences full circle. There is an opportunity here for some really strong building of community. All of which sounds lovely. I would be really looking forward to it all if I didn’t have this nagging feeling about the mischief that is also afoot.
It would be very easy for those in power to use all of this love and beauty to create enough distraction to get away with deeds of great destruction. So embrace the love and connection of February but keep your eyes open. There is a powerful energy of spiritual completion this month. If we pull the mischief out into the light, we have the power to put a stop to it forever.