Why does it feel like we are still in Mercury Retrograde?

Anything that starts in Mercury Retrograde is at risk of forever being affected by it. 2023 started in Mercury Retrograde.

If you are feeling that it is still affecting you, Reset your year. Start the energy of 2023 again. You can do this in meditation, or have a little celebration of life. Perhaps you can readdress your goals for the year. The main thing is to decide with every cell in your body, mind, heart and soul that 2023 restarts today! (Unless you are reading this in the next Mercury retrograde, then perhaps wait a few weeks ;) )

Here are the dates for the Mercury Retrogrades for 2023. The dates are when the planet mercury changes its perceived direction across the sky. We will often start to feel the effects in the lead-up to these dates, this is called the ‘shadow’ phase. There is also a shadow phase at the end

April 21 to May 14. From April 21 to May 14, Shadow starts to be felt on April 7- post-retrograde shadow ends on May 31.
Mercury retrograde will occur in the sign of Taurus.

August 23 to September 15. From August 23 to September 15, Shadow begins on August 3 -post-retrograde shadow ends on September 30. Mercury retrograde will occur in the sign of Virgo.

December 13 to January 1, 2024. Pre-retrograde shadow begins on November 25 -post-retrograde shadow ends on January 20,

The last Mercury retrograde of 2023 is a little different than the previous two because it changes signs along the way. In this retrograde Mercury moves from Capricorn to Sagittarius.


March 2023


February 2023