Spider story

We had a stall at the Gem and Mineral club fair. The people next to us were a lovely couple who were gem hunters, who had no experience with the healing and intuition aspect of crystal work. After a weekend of chatting, they decided to come and ‘do something different’ and have a session with my husband and I.

We gave them healing and a reading. We had a good time. Towards the end of our time, the husband nudged his wife and said “ask about the spiders’

She begrudgingly explained that she was scared of spiders and that their house was full of them. Was there anything I could do?

I explained that spiders bring us a few different messages. The give us the gift of the written language, because it’s fabled they created the alphabet. They also give us the gift of Time because they are the weavers of the web of time.

The husband started to chuckle a little. “Time? you say? Interesting…” chuckle. She elbows him in the ribs and tells him to be quiet.

I say, “Ok, if it’s an issue with time, just tell the spiders that you’ve got the message. Go home, stand in the middle of the lounge and say ‘ok spiders, listen up, I appreciate the message, I get the point. Time is not a struggle. I promise I won’t let time stress me out anymore. I have heard you. But this is my house and you scare me, so please leave!’ Then give thanks and gratitude and have faith that they will leave.”

They both look at me very dubiously. But they said they would and they left. We didnt see them again for four years, until the next Gem and Mineral show.

As we walked into the hall, they saw us and started to laugh. Many of the other club members were also laughing. Obviously they were in on the story. I asked why and the husband explained that they had been wondering if they would see us today. Here is the story he told.

They hadn’t seen any spiders in the house for four years. Until that very morning. The wife had been getting ready for the show and had been running around screaming about not having enough time. The doorbell rang, she went to answer it and there was no one there. Or at least no human. A 3-inch wide bush spider stomped into the house as she opened the door.

She immediately screamed, ‘I didn’t mean it, I have all the time in the world, I’m sorry, please leave!” The spider stopped turned around and walked back out the door. She closed the door behind it, but they had to leave through the garage door because they were both too scared to leave through the front door.


Vanquishing the Tourists