Vanquishing the Tourists

It is a bit of a family trait, that my older brother and I tend to take pleasure in sharing our most awkward moments, especially if we think it will bring joy to others around us.
With this trait in mind, let me tell you about the 13th of May 2018:
I had gifted myself 2 years of self-healing after 2016 which had been a very hard year. A beautiful friend of mine had invited me to stay and recover in her caravan park. Well more like a caravan resort really. She gave me a very nice caravan and the Wifi code and told me to rest. ….. The woman is a saint.

Living in a campground is actually kind of nice. Very relaxed environment, for the most part. I even, strangely enough, quite enjoy my nightly walks to the bathroom. A little fresh air and exercise in the middle of my sleep are surprisingly pleasant. .... With the exception of the night of the 13th of May.
The need called me awake at about 1am, I toddled out of the caravan and across the 15 meters to the bathroom. Happily achieved what I had come for and then exited the toilet,..... to see a ghostly figure 20 meters away, walking towards me.
It was a young woman. Hair down to her knees. A cotton nightgown and skin that looked the colour of the moon.
My heart wakes up properly now. The moon is making a strange light around her. This ghostly figure is getting closer and closer.
A few expletives come to mind but my training steps in. and I say, in a clear and assertive voice -
"You are an appearance, you have no power over me....." (to those of you not in the know, this is my standard 'go to' phrase for clearing ghosties). Before I can get the last line out, the ghost comes closer and I realise this is not a ghost or spirit of any kind. It’s a - now fairly stunned, albino German backpacker, wearing a white nightgown.

I mumble ‘sorry’ under my breath and scamper back to the caravan.

For the next week, her group all looked at me strangely every time I walked past.
It could have been worse I suppose, I could have screamed or hit her or gone full ghost busters on her and properly vanquished her.


Spider story