The Violet Flame
The Violet Flame is a transmutational energy that we can invoke/visualize to shift energy from destructive to positive. To do this you state (internally or out loud) “I now invoke the violet flame to transmute the energy of this space” (yes it is that simple). It will be stronger if you say it with meaning and power. You visualise a flame of violet light filling the space.
I will often create a mat of violet flame energy between my feet and the earth after an earthquake or if I am walking on land where tragedy has occurred. Likewise, I will create a barrier above my head, between my crown chakra and the group consciousness, if the group consciousness holds negative energy or grief (e.g. after we lose a national sporting event- sad but true story).
When I watch the energy, I can see the violet flame energy wrap itself around the negative energy and shift the polarity of the negative cells until they shift into holding positive light or dissolve.
Saint Germain is the Ascended Master that holds the vibration of the violet flame.
St. Germain (or Master Rakoczi) is the Ascended Master of the seventh ray. He is widely considered to be one of the fathers of many of the healing concepts we use today. He lived in 1710-1784. If you want help with the violet flame or transmuting energy, you can call him in as an Ascended Master. He will act as a temporary guardian for the situation at hand.