Welcome to the Journey of the peace found
within the depths of April 2023’s energy
March 2023 saw a huge evolution of the human spirit. We received download after download of reprogramming of our DNA and personal soul matrix. Many of you followed along with the Facebook alerts for this journey.
The ramifications of this shift will gradually enter society over the next few years. By taking this journey consciously we have gifted our conscious minds the chance to join the ride, rather than be pushed around by unexpected changes.
April is a month of stillness and peace. A chance for us to integrate and implement the changes we have embraced.
Throughout the month of April, I will be sharing with you contemplative focuses each day. You can choose how many you focus on and how actively. I will post the next day’s focus late the night before so it is there for you when you wake up. These posts will be channelled throughout the month, to stay in the flow of the energies.