Taking a breath

My journey led me on to Opotiki. I spent months at a friends place just taking a breath. She and her partner will always be my angels for gifting me this time. I did nothing but walk on the beach, eat and sleep for a really long time. I learned to breath again.
At first all was dark. Slowly I started to notice small glimmers of goodness. A shell. A sunset. A smile from a stranger. I learnt that if I gave gratitude for these small gifts my heart and mind mended. Just a little each time.

Slowly I started to notice other things. Shapes in the foam on the beach. The sand in the bottom of a puddle that looked like a cheeky pixie. The taste of fresh food started to return. I noticed the smell of flowers again. It was like the universe was slowly coming back into colour.

My only expectation of myself was to breath. As the pressure of my past lifted I felt like I could breath for the first time in a long while.
The more I let go, the better I felt. The more gratitude I felt, the easier it was to surrender and let go.

I was remembering how to just be. And it was


Into The Void Go I.