The Journey Begins with a Dance

Before I was married, I would dance all the time. I wasn’t learning any particular style, I would just move with the energy of the day or space. I would find myself breathing into the feelings around me and working through them as I moved. If I was in public, it might only be a bounce in my step or a hand slight hand movement, but it helped me to process the information I was getting clairvoyantly. As I grew up, I learnt to feel the dance inside myself, rather than actually dancing. I don’t think this is uncommon amongst children. I was fortunate enough to have a conscious connection to guardians who explained the process to me and why it was important. Even in my 20s, I would find time alone to just dance within the energy flow of life. It would free my soul up and support my faith in the creator.

In my late 20s, I got married. As marry life progressed my husband misunderstood my dancing as foreplay. So stopped dancing. As I trying to feel into how my 2-year journey should start, I got a call from an old friend. He was running a dance weekend and wondered if I wanted to do the decorations in exchange for coming. It made perfect sense that the first weekend of my journey should be reclaiming my dance. The creator had lead me forward.

I was broken at this stage. At the dance weekend, I reconnected with a community that I had know years ago. They looked after me. I was able to refind my body and feel the energy again. All while surrounded by the energy of the love and peace that these dances create.

I learnt to trust the flow

I learnt to trust my dance again

I learnt I was safe to be broken for a while.


Into The Void Go I.