Learning Healing
When we talk about receiving a “healing” it is normally pretty straightforward. The client comes in feeling like they have something that needs help. The healer asks them to sit or lay down quietly. The client is often unaware of what the healer is doing on an energy level, but they feel better and leave happy. For the client, the experience is often the same from the healer to healer, with the only difference being, how much change occurs afterwards, or how much damage.
As a healer, the term “Healing” is used to describe a huge variety of unique skills, beliefs and integrity guidelines. Once you go past your basic Reiki one and Reiki Two class, the possibilities open up immensely.
There are two groups of healers. I refer to them as “Doing Healers” and “Being Healers”. Both have their place in the healing world. A Doing healer has learnt a healing discipline that comes with clear instructions. Homoeopathy or E.F.T or body talk can all be “Doing healer” disciplines. The healer doesn’t need any intuition to do this discipline. It would help if they had some, but it’s not essential. For some clients, this is an easier style of healing to use.
Being healers rely on their intuition and clairvoyant sight/ hearing/ Knowing. They will scan the client’s energy for anything that doesn’t serve the clients highest good, and then remove it or clear it. Then they will fill the client up with positive energy to support the client to continue to heal.
When choosing which healing path you want to walk down, the first thing to consider is a lifestyle. Put simply, as a doing healer, you get to leave what you do in the healing room and walk away. You can continue to live what society accepts as a “normal life”. As a being healer or intuitive, you will have times when you are not working and you still see or feel things that other people can’t. Sometimes these things may scare you, other times they may make you really happy. Often we find that people on the path of becoming a being healer are tested more by the universe and put through experiences to make sure that they are strong, compassionate and have integrity. You may find that your tolerance for alcohol or recreational drugs goes down. You may find that you can’t be around some people. Some would say that it is not an easy path, but it is ultimately rewarding.
While I have coached many Doing healers into starting their own practice, my classes are often aimed to support the Being healer. A big part of this training is to give the healer an awareness of what they could possibly encounter in healing. Once you know what is possible, it is easier to see it and know how to clear it.
Some people will tell you that focusing on clearing things is focusing on fear. There is no fear in this work, only knowledge. Pretending that negativity doesn’t affect us and the positive vibes is all that is needed, is like walking into a pride of lions wearing a necklace of pork chops and thinking that cuddling the big pussy cats will solve everything. We have no reason to be scared of the pork chops, so let’s get rid of them before the client goes looking for cuddles.
In these classes, we will go through a huge variety of possible things that may occur in healing. I will share my experiences and how I healed the person. This could cover past life wounds, septic totems or guardians, curses and hexes, entities, holes, vortexes, off-world soul splintering, to name just a few. This also gives you the support you need to improve your healing practice. It is always good practice to have someone as a backup for when healing pulls you out of your pay grade. There is always a higher pay grade in healing.
The cost of classes varies depending on the venue. These classes are normally around $160 for a block of 6 classes.
Click here if you want to be put on the list for the next class.
Or call me on the number below.
This was taken at a healing workshop I ran years ago. It was towards the end of the day when both students knew what they were doing. (I know this because I had time to take photos)