Let’s go Deeper into the Concept of Healing the planet from the
The first of the consciousness pandemic, most of us are aware of. Since the covid vaccinations entered the market, we have seen society become divided into the Pro and anti-vaccination belief systems. It has become socially acceptable to hold a high level of righteous judgement of decisions. This has bred anger and fear throughout society. This righteous anger is the second pandemic. It will have a far longer effect on human culture than covid will. While we accept this behaviour in our society, we will never win against the darkness of the covid experience. Personally, I am choosing to not engage, to stand and send love while people are going through the infection process of this second pandemic.
The third pandemic is a far older one. It is the corrupt energy that hid within the concept of the masculine energy for centuries. As we enter into the new era, the traditional view of patriarchal energy is being cleared off the planet. We are being called into an age of balance. To achieve this, we must allow ourselves to see the masculine energy in its pure form.
The corrupt energy that hid within the masculine energy for so long, is not the true masculine. This corrupt energy will manifest the control and fear-based experiences we once labelled as the patriarchal way.
To beat this third pandemic we need to forgive the patriarchal energy and recognize that it was sick. We must embrace the positive aspects of the masculine and celebrate the gifts it does offer. We must separate it from the corrupt masculine energy and Stand against the fear-based actions.