November 2021
This month we see the divine feminine standing strong within society. The goddess is playing a much stronger role in society than we have seen in a long time. It is time to heal our society. She has called out to lightworkers around the globe. We are being asked to increase our work to heal our planet. If you are reading this, you are being called to help.
The 19th sees an eclipse energy that will support the planet's energy to make a change towards the light. For weeks now we have been focusing on clearing the negative energy that has formed a shield around the outer atmosphere of the planet. This energy was formed on a framework that had been put in place by the corrupted energy that hid within the patriarchal system. It was then cemented by the negativity and fear within our current society.
Our meditation group joined the masses of other lightworkers around the globe, to clear this energy. Behind this shield of negativity, is a build-up of divine light that has been building for the last 5years. I am being told that the eclipse will support the re-entry of this light back onto the planet.
This light will enter into your life, lifting you to a higher vibration. To make the most of this, clear your energy as much as you can before the eclipse. Surrender any fear you are holding. Send it back to the divine. Do what you can to enter into a positive mind space. - Have a nice bath, dance, play your favourite happy music, treat yourself.
Join us for a meditation on the 19th at 6:50pm on zoom (link below).
Arniya Heartford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Eclipse Meditation
Time: Nov 19, 2021 06:50 PM Auckland, Wellington
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