Next waves of shifts

I have been sitting here meditating on the energy that is about to flow onto our planet. The Solstice always brings a shift in the consciousness, but this year feels different. I feel a sense of trepidation and excitement about what’s to come.
Here is what my earth-healing Guardians are saying.

It is closer than most of you realise. Or it can be if you are ready. (Arniya asks- ready for what exactly and how do we get ready?) - This is the rebirth of the human consciousness and all it has to offer. The journey of this planet is evolving. Gaia is starting her next soul journey NOW! Humans are not the only ones who get to reincarnate.
In Gaia’s next incarnation, she is choosing to experience energy within a very different format. The elements, as you know them, will be different and unique to the new era. The life force on the planet will be stronger and more consciously fluid. The energy Gaia is holding will change the way your physical and emotional bodies behave. Holding anger will no longer be possible. Anger has always been a cause of illness for humans, but now it will do so much more damage to the human spirit and body. Too many of you are anchored in anger, bitterness and greed. Fear and grief have ruled the last few years of Earth’s journey. People are focusing on their wants and needs, rather than the giving and loving that lifts the human experience.
As mercury retrograde started on the 13th of December, the human focus was pulled inward. Over the next few days, this inward pull has the potential to pull you deeper than ever before. The next month will bring all suppressed lower vibrational energies to the surface. The shifts in consciousness are flowing through to support you to go deep, clean house, clear up your soul matrix and disconnect from the old paradigm of a fear-based existence.
It is time to release yourself from the self-imposed bonds of negativity. All of that self-judgement and loathing is a thinking of the old world. You cannot take it with you.
We will be supporting you with journeys and deep soul healings, through Arniya, during the shifts. The more you can ready yourself to surrender your hold on the old vibration, the better.
Join us for the
shifts over the next month and we will do our best to support you through the journey.

After this download, I started to process what the Guardians really meant. All anger and other fear-based beliefs, have to go. If they have to go, then I can assume that the universe will slowly turn up the heat on us dealing with our fear-based beliefs. Normally with these things, the more we resist, the more uncomfortable things will get. I am suddenly acutely aware of the strings of negativity that are anchoring everyone, myself included, to the outdated earth reality. These anchor points, have got to go!

If you are anything like me, you now have two voices in your heart. One saying “Yippeee I get to be fear-free, won’t that be lovely! I can’t wait”. The other voice, screaming the noiseless scream of terror, as it stares into the abyss and knowing what clearing the fear-based stuff will feel like. I find myself mantra-ing, “Just surrender, it will be ok, the Guardians have got your back on this, they will support you through it, just surrender”

Mild panic over, I start to think about the billions of souls on the planet, who will be going through this unconsciously and without spiritual support. Anger is a big issue to clear and can cause a lot of destruction in the process. It might be time to restart the daily process of sending light to all beings to find peace and be free from fear.
If you need support through this time, please call me. If you want to join me for the shifts and the support my Guardians are offering, the link is below.

When we embrace the shifts consciously and at the time the energy first enters our planet, the journey is clearer and easier to navigate.
And remember, we can’t get to the Heaven on Earth reality, without clearing away the darkness first.

Dates and times for December shifts.

Friday the 15th 8:36am (online by 8:21am)
Thursday the 21st -5:31pm (online by 5:15pm)
Friday the 22nd 8:22am (online by 8:07)
Friday the 22nd 8:22pm (online by 8:07)
Thursday 28th 11:20am (online by 11:05am) (this one may have a optional part two at night)

Please book in at least 30 mins before, so I have time to send you the link.
If you have attended more than 5 shifts in the past, please ask me for the discount code.
Click here to book for guidance


2024’s energy


December and end of year reflection