June 2023

Hold onto your hats, June is coming. Starting on the 3rd of June we will see three shifts a day coming through for 6 weeks. These shifts are soul reprogrammings for all souls who are making the shift into the aquarian age. If you stop and receive the energy, they normally take about 15 to 30 minutes to come through. There are going to be some that are a bigger job for everyone and some which will be bigger for you personally. I will be posting on here the times and next focus. For more detailed and live time support you can join my membership. The membership has the option to come together over zoom and for me me to channel guidance as we go through each change.

The 22nd of June see the solstice or midway point of our seasonal journey. Normally I would say we would do well to recognise these changes, this year I feel like by the time solstice comes, we will be in such a different space from the shifts, that who knows what we will be called to do. I will write something closer to the time.

Please exercise self-care throughout this time. Allow yourself extra rest, fresh air and good food. Be gentle on yourself and those around you. If you need support, allow yourself a healing top up


May 2023


Eclipse on 20 May 2023