Food for thought

Many of the people I have talked to over the last few weeks have been really struggling with the ascension energy. Most do not understand that this is the issue. They just know something is off. I have observed many aspects of this process that have surprised and morbidly fascinated me. I do not claim to have finished processing them, but I will share what I have.



Physical purging- our bodies are shifting their vibration and our internal organs are having to clear and change to adjust to the new vibration. This is causing bowel, blood pressure or circulation issues for many. People seem to be finding it hard to hydrate fully. Many are also noticing balance issues or changes in their vision or smell.
Talking to your body and cells is the only thing beyond healing, that I have found that helps. Telling your body that it is ok to change. Explain to the cells that it is time to change and that we are evolving into new energy and life processes. Support them to feel safe to embrace the new energy and their new role in it. Spend time with your body consciousness and breathe into the understanding that the elements, gravity, time, and all our building blocks of reality are changing. You do not need to understand or accept this, yet. You only need to feel the energy of it and gift it to your body consciousness.


Spiritually this is the end of an era. Karmic contracts are completing. Many of you will have completed these a while ago. However, for a long time, the push to complete Karma kept everyone moving forward. It gave us purpose. It pulled us along down the lifepath. Without this motivation, many people are feeling cut adrift. Without a purpose to work towards, they are getting restless and itchy feet.
This was not the way it was designed to happen. If we were in the natural flow of the process:

Karmic energy would be settled. Lessons would be reflected on. The Knowledge gained would be claimed as wisdom. This wisdom would be an anchor for a higher vibration of spiritual energy. We would then open our bodies, hearts, minds and soul to this energy and allow ourselves to receive and our energy would lift accordingly.

Sometimes what gets in the road is a belief system of unworthiness. Some of you are aware of this and have been working on it.
What I am noticing is that often it is more complicated than that.
It seems that more often than not now, it comes from a corrosion within the lack of mentality.
For example.

Let's say, someone has a lack in their life of mother love or female friendship.
They may start by feeling a deep need for the feminine energy in their life to be topped up.
The need to have this need met becomes bigger and louder till it alters their perception of the world.

If you have ever had a big tragedy in your life, you will know that feeling of not wanting to start crying, just in case you can’t stop and you just drown in a room of tears. This energy is similar.
After a while, the need becomes so overwhelming that the person is caught in the catch-22 of

If I surrender and receive, I might not cope. If I don’t, I might not cope. This often leads to a push-and-pull response.

“I need this need to be met, but what anyone can give me, will never be enough to meet the need, So I will pull people in close to receive and then sabotage every chance they have to help me. This way I can pretend that it is on my terms.”
Placing unrealistic expectations of people, connections, or situations, or projecting our needs into someone else's job list. This is supporting the lack mentality to grow stronger and support the original belief.

The lack mentality could be a lack of anything- feminine, masculine, love, support, connection to spiritual purpose, money, direction, or even creative blocks. If you can’t figure out where it is, looking for where you hold jealousy or envy is normally a good clue.
I have been trying to figure out how people can heal this for themselves. It is obvious to me that this will be one of the key energy restrictions that stop people from ascending. It is also obvious that there are levels to this.
Some will be able to catch it before it becomes corroded and simply ask the creator for the energy that the lack is based in. Ie asking for a download (or two or three) of the divine feminine energy to fill that void. Then clearing any programmes or beliefs around having problems with female friends. This should clear the lack.
The real challenge starts with those people whose ‘lack energy’ has corroded or become septic.
I can feel that there is soul chemical imbalance linked into this somehow. The sabotaging of relationships is in the style of a level 8 astra entity, but while I can see signs of them, I can’t actually find any in the People’s energy.

I can see that there are loops in the meridian lines, that shouldn’t be there. The loops are not part of the old or new energy flow.  
You will know these people because their energy is becoming increasingly desperate. They are projecting their lack energy onto anyone they can. They will be the ones offering unsolicited advice and trying to fix everyone else, in a desperate plea that someone will fix, them. Sentences that start with “I know you don’t want to hear this” are a dead giveaway. They will often talk about expectations of someone fulfilling a “special” role in their life, a “Best” friend, or a guru. Then be extremely hurt by this unrequested role not being fulfilled.
The corroded lack vibration is going to be the main reason that people sabotage their own ascension. It will cause someone to place the responsibility of the ascension process into the job list of someone else. We all know we are responsible for showing up and doing our own soul work. Owning our own lack energies, corroded or not. Now is the time to fill yourself up. Rebalance and clear any lower energies. Lack or fear will not lift.
I will continue to work on how to clear the corrosion. If you feel like you are affected by this or have clients or friends who are, then let me know.


December and end of year reflection


Lion’s Gate 2023