August energy Update

We are almost at the end of July and the 8 energy of 2024 is just about to kick it up a gear. I know, you would be justified in thinking that this year has been crazy fast and intense already, but the best is yet to come! I’ll explain why, but first lets understand why 2024 is a 8 year and what that means.
The numerology of 2024 is 8, with the 2+0+2+4 equalling 8. The same reasoning tells us that last year was a 7 year and next year will be a 9 year.
The 8 is the number of power, abundance and high intensity. Like the infinity sign, the flow of the energy in the figure 8 doesn’t stop. The energy continues to build constantly. We can also see it as one circle of power gathering energy from the higher planes or the heavens, and one circle surrounding our more physical experiences. The central spot of the 8 is where these energies meet and exchange focus. The two circles, give us a full experience on both planes.
It is said that when two people, focus on one goal, the potential energy they hold is doubled. Two people working together, have the power of 4 working separately. The 8 year feels a bit the same. The two aspects of our human experience, working individually to the fullness of their potential, gives us 4 times the potential soul power. If you can align your physical/emotional/ mental focus, at the same time and goal, as your Soul/ spiritual focus, then the potential power you can direct towards that goal is 4 times what it would normally be.

In the 8th month (August) this will greatly increase again. On the 8th of August, we have an energy surge that is referred to as “Lions Gate”. Lions Gate will open the energy of the year and bring stability that allows for an even greater level of power to flow onto the planet. The Guardians of the Ascension have organised many smaller doors of energy around this time to lend us their support to integrate the increase of energy over this time. Click here for times

As the year continues we will see, all of the intensity of the last 7 months of 2024, come into the outer expression of our lives. Each soul will be given the choice, - will you let this wave of intensity knock you down and make you work for each breath of peace? Or will you rise with the gifts of the current opportunities?
This energy will expand and grow any truth or power you are holding. When you give it self-destruction energy, this is what it will expand and grow. If you focus on beauty, this is what will grow.

Are you ready to claim your personal power? This is the perfect time to claim your purpose. And stand in the joy of life on planet Earth. What do you wish the 8 energy to grow and expand? What are you doing to hold the positive focus in your life? If this wave of energy is going to intensify all you focus on, are you holding joy, hope, health, beauty and prosperity in your heart? Are you ready for your life to be expanded and intensified?

Click here for Session to support to claim the opportunities of the 8 energy, or to survive the intensity.
Click here for the times for energy shifts and to join the live Zoom journies through the energy doorways.


April 2024