30 th march- Darker energies wash through

On the night of the 30th of march, I was walking through New World supermarket, looking for dinner. I walked past a man in the produce section and felt like something had walked over my grave. I, half unconsciously, gave a wee tsk and thought ‘humph, keep your darkness to yourself, buddy’. I carried about my shopping. As I came around the corner I looked up and 5 of the 8 people I could see had a dark energy entering up through their feet. Within a few minutes, it had filled their whole being. Pretending to closely examine a packet of gluten-free spaghetti, I watched on in horror. There was nothing I could do to help them. I quickly placed the ‘violet flame’ energy beneath my feet and anchored my energy more fully. Once I was sure that I was anchored and therefore fully present and in my power, I pulled in more energy and spread the violet flame energy out around me. Leaving a trail of the energy behind me for anyone who needed it. I gave up the quest for food and moved toward the door and could hear a fight break out between a couple in the cereal aisle. I got out of there. I wanted to go home. I sat in the car and breathed and gathered myself. I was told my night wasn’t over and to get myself to the bigger supper market where I could get food and shield the floor before the wave intensified.
I drove to the other supermarket, while voice dialling (hands-free) as many students as I could to tell them how to shield themselves. I went into Paknsave and got my dinner, I wanted to just get out of there. My guides made me walk the aisle, energetically painting the floors with the violet flame and shielding the space against the energy I was now recognising as coming from the demonic realm.
When I was finally allowed to leave, I sat in the car and text the people I couldn’t call. Then drove home calling more people. If you were one of the 22 people I called or 10 people I texted, thank you for receiving the information quickly and with grace.
I got home to an amazing flatmate who I had called first and had everything I needed to grid everyone, already set up and dinner made. I was able to make a crystal grid to protect everyone who had asked and eat dinner before I started with my zoom client at 730.

It made me aware that I need to share with you all how to cope with energies like this, so you can protect yourself and then support the planet and those around you.


April 2023


8:43am 30th of March 2023